Daniela Brauner
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Banco de dados geográficos
MA Casanova, G Câmara, C Davis, L Vinhas, GR Queiroz
MundoGEO, 2005
Blockchain e a Perspectiva Tecnológica para a Administração Pública: Uma Revisão Sistemática
LMF Moura, DF Brauner, R Janissek-Muniz
Revista de Administração Contemporânea 24, 259-274, 2020
Database conceptual schema matching
MA Casanova, KK Breitman, DF Brauner, ALA Marins
Computer 40 (10), 102-104, 2007
An Instance-based Approach for Matching Export Schemas of Geographical Database Web Services.
DF Brauner, C Intrator, JC Freitas, MA Casanova
GeoInfo, 109-120, 2007
An engaged university: Rescuing SMES during the COVID-19 crisis
DF Brauner, F REICHERT, R Janissek-Muniz, AC Zen, DCDE MENEZES, ...
Revista de Administração de Empresas 60, 437-450, 2021
Towards gazetteer integration through an instance-based thesauri mapping approach
DF Brauner, MA Casanova, RL Milidiú
Advances in Geoinformatics: VIII Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics …, 2007
Integração e interoperabilidade entre fontes de dados geográficos
MA Casanova, DF Brauner, G Câmara, POL Júnior
CASANOVA, MA et al. Banco de dados geográficos. Curitiba: Mundogeo, 315-352, 2005
Matching object catalogues
LAP Leme, DF Brauner, KK Breitman, MA Casanova, A Gazola
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 4, 315-328, 2008
Adaptative Matching of Database Web Services Export Schemas.
DF Brauner, A Gazola, MA Casanova, KK Breitman
ICEIS (1), 49-56, 2008
Mediation as Recommendation: An Approach to Design Mediators for Object Catalogs
DF Brauner, MA Casanova, RL Milidiú
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops: OTM …, 2006
Instance-based ontology mapping
KK Breitman, D Brauner, MA Casanova, R Milidiú, A Gazola, M Perazolo
Fifth IEEE Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ease …, 2008
Learning to identify at-risk students in distance education using interaction counts
D Detoni, C Cechinel, RA Matsumura, DF Brauner
Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada 23 (2), 124-140, 2016
Towards defining quality criteria for digital educational resources in distance learning
S Scheunemann, A Brandão, D Brauner
2018 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE), 1-4, 2018
Recomendaçao de objetos de aprendizagem utilizando filtragem colaborativa: Uma comparaçao entre abordagens de pré-processamento por meio de clusterizaçao
H dos Santos, C Cechinel, R Araújo, D Brauner
Brazilian symposium on computers in education (simpósio brasileiro de …, 2015
A mediator for heterogeneous gazetteers
A Gazola, D Brauner, MA Casanova
Proc. of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Databases (SBBD), Poster Session 1 …, 2007
Geo-Object Catalogs to Enable Geographic Databases Interoperability.
DF Brauner, MA Casanova, CJP de Lucena
GEOINFO 6, 235-246, 2004
HyperSD: a Semantic Desktop as a Semantic Web Application.
D Schwabe, DF Brauner, DA Nunes, G Mamede
Semantic Desktop Workshop, 2005
Using ontologies as artifacts to enable databases interoperability
DF Brauner, MA Casanova, CJP De Lucena
Workshop on Ontologies as Software Engineering Artifacts (OOPSLA), Vancouver …, 2004
Estímulo à prática multidisciplinar no ensino de Computação e Design através de um evento de programação focado em problemas
D Brauner, P Margreff, T Tavares, VK da Costa, AL Silva
Anais do XXIV Workshop sobre Educação em Computação, 2126-2135, 2016
Creating advanced Internet services in collaboration with the research community
M Stanton, I Machado, DF Brauner, A Marins, AS Moura, LN Ciuffo
UbuntuNet Alliance, 2012
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Artigos 1–20