Helenice Gobbi
Helenice Gobbi
Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro
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Metaplastic breast tumors with a dominant fibromatosis‐like phenotype have a high risk of local recurrence
H Gobbi, JF Simpson, A Borowsky, RA Jensen, DL Page
Cancer 85 (10), 2170-2182, 1999
Transforming growth factor-β and breast cancer risk in women with mammary epithelial hyperplasia
H Gobbi, WD Dupont, JF Simpson, WD Plummer Jr, PA Schuyler, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 91 (24), 2096-2101, 1999
Loss of expression of transforming growth factor beta type II receptor correlates with high tumour grade in human breast in‐situ and invasive carcinomas
Gobbi, Arteaga, Jensen, Simpson, Dupont, Olson, Schuyler, Plummer, ...
Histopathology 36 (2), 168-177, 2000
Metaplastic carcinoma
JS Reis-Filho, SR Lakhani, H Gobbi, N Sneige
World Health organization classification of tumours of the breast 4, 48-52, 2012
Metaplastic spindle cell breast tumors arising within papillomas, complex sclerosing lesions, and nipple adenomas
H Gobbi, JF Simpson, RA Jensen, SJ Olson, DL Page
Modern pathology 16 (9), 893-901, 2003
Inter-observer variability between general pathologists and a specialist in breast pathology in the diagnosis of lobular neoplasia, columnar cell lesions, atypical ductal …
DS Gomes, SS Porto, D Balabram, H Gobbi
Diagnostic pathology 9, 1-9, 2014
Digital slides: present status of a tool for consultation, teaching, and quality control in pathology
R Rocha, J Vassallo, F Soares, K Miller, H Gobbi
Pathology-Research and Practice 205 (11), 735-741, 2009
Evaluation of accuracy of fine needle aspiration cytology for diagnosis of canine mammary tumours: comparative features with human tumours
GD Cassali, H Gobbi, C Malm, FC Schmitt
Cytopathology 18 (3), 191-196, 2007
Angiosarcoma and atypical vascular lesions of the breast: diagnostic and prognostic role of MYC gene amplification and protein expression
C Fraga-Guedes, S André, MG Mastropasqua, E Botteri, A Toesca, ...
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 151, 131-140, 2015
Lymph vascular invasion in invasive mammary carcinomas identified by the endothelial lymphatic marker D2-40 is associated with other indicators of poor prognosis
VFZ Marinho, K Metze, FSF Sanches, GFS Rocha, H Gobbi
BMC cancer 8, 1-9, 2008
A comparision of aspiration cytology and core needle biopsy according to tumor size of suspicious breast lesions
AA Barra, H Gobbi, CA de L. Rezende, AP Gouvêa, CÊM de Lucena, ...
Diagnostic cytopathology 36 (1), 26-31, 2008
Selecting antibodies to detect HER2 overexpression by immunohistochemistry in invasive mammary carcinomas
AP Gouvêa, F Milanezi, SJ Olson, D Leitao, FC Schmitt, H Gobbi
Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology 14 (1), 103-108, 2006
Reactive spindle cell nodules of the breast after core biopsy or fine-needle aspiration
H Gobbi, G Tse, DL Page, SJ Olson, RA Jensen, JF Simpson
American journal of clinical pathology 113 (2), 288-294, 2000
A case-control study of risk factors for breast cancer in Brazil, 1978–1987
ALRR Gomes, MDC Guimaraes, CC Gomes, IG Chaves, H Gobbi, ...
International journal of epidemiology 24 (2), 292-299, 1995
Classificação dos tumores da mama: atualização baseada na nova classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde de 2012
H Gobbi
Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial 48, 463-474, 2012
Immunohistochemical expression of estrogen receptor in enlarged lobular units with columnar alteration in benign breast biopsies: a nested case-control study
BK McLaren, H Gobbi, PA Schuyler, SJ Olson, FF Parl, WD Dupont, ...
The American journal of surgical pathology 29 (1), 105-108, 2005
Primary and secondary angiosarcomas of the breast: a single institution experience
C Fraga-Guedes, H Gobbi, MG Mastropasqua, E Botteri, A Luini, G Viale
Breast cancer research and treatment 132, 1081-1088, 2012
Survival of patients with operable breast cancer (Stages I-III) at a Brazilian public hospital-a closer look into cause-specific mortality
D Balabram, CM Turra, H Gobbi
BMC cancer 13, 1-10, 2013
Prognostic impact of the cancer stem cell related markers ALDH1 and EZH2 in triple negative and basal-like breast cancers
M De Brot, RM Rocha, FA Soares, H Gobbi
Pathology-Journal of the RCPA 44 (4), 303-312, 2012
Rabbit monoclonal antibodies show higher sensitivity than mouse monoclonals for estrogen and progesterone receptor evaluation in breast cancer by immunohistochemistry
R Rocha, C Nunes, G Rocha, F Oliveira, F Sanches, H Gobbi
Pathology-Research and Practice 204 (9), 655-662, 2008
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Articles 1–20