Andrew J. Alexander
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Cited by
Carbon nanotubes: a review of their properties in relation to pulmonary toxicology and workplace safety
K Donaldson, R Aitken, L Tran, V Stone, R Duffin, G Forrest, A Alexander
Toxicological sciences 92 (1), 5-22, 2006
Effects of activation schemes on porous, surface and thermal properties of activated carbons prepared from cotton stalks
ANA El-Hendawy, AJ Alexander, RJ Andrews, G Forrest
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 82 (2), 272-278, 2008
Single pulse, single crystal laser-induced nucleation of potassium chloride
AJ Alexander, PJ Camp
Crystal Growth and Design 9 (2), 958-963, 2009
Photofragment helicity caused by matter-wave interference from multiple dissociative states
TP Rakitzis, SA Kandel, AJ Alexander, ZH Kim, RN Zare
Science 281 (5381), 1346-1349, 1998
Spatial control of crystal nucleation in agarose gel
C Duffus, PJ Camp, AJ Alexander
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (33), 11676-11677, 2009
A model for the dependence of carbon nanotube length on acid oxidation time
GA Forrest, AJ Alexander
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (29), 10792-10798, 2007
Measurements of Cl-atom photofragment angular momentum distributions in the photodissociation of and ICl
TP Rakitzis, SA Kandel, AJ Alexander, ZH Kim, RN Zare
The Journal of chemical physics 110 (7), 3351-3359, 1999
Non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation
AJ Alexander, PJ Camp
The Journal of chemical physics 150 (4), 2019
reaction dynamics: Comparison between theory and experiment
SA Kandel, AJ Alexander, ZH Kim, RN Zare, FJ Aoiz, L Banares, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (2), 670-685, 2000
Mechanism of carbon nanotube growth from camphor and camphor analogs by chemical vapor deposition
RJ Andrews, CF Smith, AJ Alexander
Carbon 44 (2), 341-347, 2006
Electronic properties of n-type carbon nanotubes prepared by CF4 plasma fluorination and amino functionalization
NOV Plank, GA Forrest, R Cheung, AJ Alexander
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (47), 22096-22101, 2005
Structure of monolayer dye films studied by Brewster angle cavity ringdown spectroscopy
RN Muir, AJ Alexander
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 5 (6), 1279-1283, 2003
Stereodynamics of the Reaction O(1D2) + H2(v=0) → OH(X2Πi;v‘=0,N‘,f) + H: State-Resolved Linear and Rotational Angular Momentum Distributions
AJ Alexander, FJ Aoiz, L Banares, M Brouard, J Short, JP Simons
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 101 (41), 7544-7557, 1997
Oriented chlorine atoms as a probe of the nonadiabatic photodissociation dynamics of molecular chlorine
AJ Alexander, ZH Kim, SA Kandel, RN Zare, TP Rakitzis, Y Asano, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 113 (20), 9022-9031, 2000
O (1 D 2)+ H 2→ OH∣′ 94, N′ H+ H The anatomy of a reaction
AJ Alexander, DA Blunt, M Brouard, JP Simons, FJ Aoiz, L Baņares, ...
Faraday Discussions 108, 375-386, 1997
An experimental and quasiclassical study of the product state resolved stereodynamics of the reaction O (1D2)+ H2 (υ= 0)→ OH (X2Π32; υ= 0, N, f)+ H
AJ Alexander, FJ Aoiz, M Brouard, I Burak, Y Fujimura, J Short, JP Simons
Chemical physics letters 262 (5), 589-597, 1996
Product state-resolved stereodynamics: quasiclassical study of the reaction O (1D)+ HD→ OH (OD)(ν′, j′)+ D (H)
AJ Alexander, FJ Aoiz, M Brouard, JP Simons
Chemical physics letters 256 (6), 561-568, 1996
Supersaturation dependence of glycine polymorphism using laser-induced nucleation, sonocrystallization and nucleation by mechanical shock
Y Liu, MH Van Den Berg, AJ Alexander
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (29), 19386-19392, 2017
Nonphotochemical laser-induced nucleation of potassium halides: Effects of wavelength and temperature
MR Ward, AJ Alexander
Crystal growth & design 12 (9), 4554-4561, 2012
Speed-dependent photofragment orientation in the photodissociation of OCS at 223 nm
ZH Kim, AJ Alexander, RN Zare
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103 (49), 10144-10148, 1999
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Articles 1–20