Roger Falcone
Roger Falcone
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Interaction of intense laser pulses with atomic clusters
T Ditmire, T Donnelly, AM Rubenchik, RW Falcone, MD Perry
Physical Review A 53 (5), 3379, 1996
Subpicosecond, electromagnetic pulses from intense laser-plasma interaction
H Hamster, A Sullivan, S Gordon, W White, RW Falcone
Physical review letters 71 (17), 2725, 1993
Ultrafast X-ray pulses from laser-produced plasmas
MM Murnane, HC Kapteyn, MD Rosen, RW Falcone
Science 251 (4993), 531-536, 1991
Creation and diagnosis of a solid-density plasma with an X-ray free-electron laser
SM Vinko, O Ciricosta, BI Cho, K Engelhorn, HK Chung, CRD Brown, ...
Nature 482 (7383), 59-62, 2012
Ultrafast bond softening in bismuth: Mapping a solid's interatomic potential with x-rays
DM Fritz, DA Reis, B Adams, RA Akre, J Arthur, C Blome, PH Bucksbaum, ...
Science 315 (5812), 633-636, 2007
Time-resolved x-ray diffraction from coherent phonons during a laser-induced phase transition
AM Lindenberg, I Kang, SL Johnson, T Missalla, PA Heimann, Z Chang, ...
Physical review letters 84 (1), 111, 2000
High-density plasmas produced by ultrafast laser pulses
MM Murnane, HC Kapteyn, RW Falcone
Physical review letters 62 (2), 155, 1989
Atomic-scale visualization of inertial dynamics
AM Lindenberg, J Larsson, K Sokolowski-Tinten, KJ Gaffney, C Blome, ...
Science 308 (5720), 392-395, 2005
Short-pulse terahertz radiation from high-intensity-laser-produced plasmas
H Hamster, A Sullivan, S Gordon, RW Falcone
Physical Review E 49 (1), 671, 1994
High-order harmonic generation in atom clusters
TD Donnelly, T Ditmire, K Neuman, MD Perry, RW Falcone
Physical review letters 76 (14), 2472, 1996
Strong x-ray emission from high-temperature plasmas produced by intense irradiation of clusters
T Ditmire, T Donnelly, RW Falcone, MD Perry
Physical review letters 75 (17), 3122, 1995
Clocking femtosecond X rays
AL Cavalieri, DM Fritz, SH Lee, PH Bucksbaum, DA Reis, J Rudati, ...
Physical review letters 94 (11), 114801, 2005
Direct measurements of the ionization potential depression in a dense plasma
O Ciricosta, SM Vinko, HK Chung, BI Cho, CRD Brown, T Burian, ...
Physical review letters 109 (6), 065002, 2012
Ultrabright X-ray laser scattering for dynamic warm dense matter physics
LB Fletcher, HJ Lee, T Döppner, E Galtier, B Nagler, P Heimann, ...
Nature photonics 9 (4), 274-279, 2015
Prepulse energy suppression for high-energy ultrashort pulses using self-induced plasma shuttering
HC Kapteyn, MM Murnane, A Szoke, RW Falcone
Optics letters 16 (7), 490-492, 1991
Nanosecond formation of diamond and lonsdaleite by shock compression of graphite
D Kraus, A Ravasio, M Gauthier, DO Gericke, J Vorberger, S Frydrych, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10970, 2016
Ultrafast x-ray Thomson scattering of shock-compressed matter
AL Kritcher, P Neumayer, J Castor, T Döppner, RW Falcone, OL Landen, ...
Science 322 (5898), 69-71, 2008
A new regime of nanoscale thermal transport: Collective diffusion increases dissipation efficiency
KM Hoogeboom-Pot, JN Hernandez-Charpak, X Gu, TD Frazer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (16), 4846-4851, 2015
Multiterawatt, 100-fs laser
A Sullivan, H Hamster, HC Kapteyn, S Gordon, W White, H Nathel, ...
Optics letters 16 (18), 1406-1408, 1991
Probing impulsive strain propagation with x-ray pulses
DA Reis, MF DeCamp, PH Bucksbaum, R Clarke, E Dufresne, M Hertlein, ...
Physical Review Letters 86 (14), 3072, 2001
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Articles 1–20