Nicolás E. Díaz Ferreyra
Nicolás E. Díaz Ferreyra
Other namesNicolás Díaz Ferreyra, N. E. D. Ferreyra
Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Software Security
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Cited by
Cited by
LLMSecEval: A Dataset of Natural Language Prompts for Security Evaluations
C Tony, M Mutas, NED Ferreyra, R Scandariato
2023 IEEE/ACM 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2023
Vul4J: A Dataset of Reproducible Java Vulnerabilities Geared Towards the Study of Program Repair Techniques
QC Bui, R Scandariato, NE Díaz Ferreyra
Manipulation and malicious personalization: exploring the self-disclosure biases exploited by deceptive attackers on social media
E Aïmeur, NE Díaz Ferreyra, H Hage
Frontiers in artificial intelligence 2, 26, 2019
Preventative nudges: Introducing risk cues for supporting online self-disclosure decisions
NE Díaz Ferreyra, T Kroll, E Aïmeur, S Stieglitz, M Heisel
Information 11 (8), 399, 2020
SoK: Security of Microservice Applications: A Practitioners' Perspective on Challenges and Best Practices
P Billawa, AB Tukaram, NE Díaz Ferreyra, JP Steghöfer, R Scandariato, ...
17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security …, 2022
Persuasion Meets AI: Ethical Considerations for the Design of Social Engineering Countermeasures
NE Díaz Ferreyra, E Aïmeur, H Hage, M Heisel, C García van Hoogstraten
12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge …, 2020
Online self-disclosure: from users’ regrets to instructional awareness
NE Díaz Ferreyra, R Meis, M Heisel
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction: First IFIP TC 5, WG 8.4, 8.9, 12 …, 2017
Learning from online regrets: from deleted posts to risk awareness in social network sites
NE Díaz Ferreyra, R Meis, M Heisel
Adjunct Publication of the 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and …, 2019
Rethinking summarization and storytelling for modern social multimedia
S Rudinac, TS Chua, NE Díaz Ferreyra, G Friedland, T Gornostaja, B Huet, ...
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 632-644, 2018
Building Trustworthiness in Computer-Mediated Introduction: A Facet-Oriented Framework
A Borchert, NE Díaz Ferreyra, M Heisel
11th International Conference on Social Media & Society, 2020
Towards a security benchmark for the architectural design of microservice applications
A Bambhore Tukaram, S Schneider, NE Díaz Ferreyra, G Simhandl, ...
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Availability …, 2022
Community Detection for Access-Control Decisions: Analysing the Role of Homophily and Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks
NE Díaz Ferreyra, T Hecking, E Aïmeur, M Heisel, HU Hoppe
Online Social Networks and Media (OSNEM) 29, 2021
A Conceptual Method for Eliciting Trust-Related Software Features for Computer-Mediated Introduction
A Borchert, NE Díaz Ferreyra, M Heisel
15th International Conference of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2020
At your own risk: shaping privacy heuristics for online self-disclosure
NE Díaz Ferreyra, R Meis, M Heisel
2018 16th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST), 1-10, 2018
Conversational devbots for secure programming: An empirical study on skf chatbot
C Tony, M Balasubramanian, NE Díaz Ferreyra, R Scandariato
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Evaluation and …, 2022
PDP-ReqLite: A lightweight approach for the elicitation of privacy and data protection requirements
NED Ferreyra, P Tessier, G Pedroza, M Heisel
Data Privacy Management, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology: ESORICS …, 2020
How Dataflow Diagrams Impact Software Security Analysis: an Empirical Experiment
S Schneider, NED Ferreyra, PJ Queval, G Simhandl, U Zdun, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.04446, 2024
Addressing self-disclosure in social media: an instructional awareness approach
NE Díaz Ferreyra, J Schäwel, M Heisel, C Meske
2016 IEEE/ACS 13th International Conference of Computer Systems and …, 2016
Github considered harmful? analyzing open-source projects for the automatic generation of cryptographic api call sequences
C Tony, NED Ferreyra, R Scandariato
2022 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and …, 2022
Self-disclosure in Social Media: An Opportunity for Self-Adaptive Systems.
NED Ferreyra, J Schäwel
REFSQ Workshops, 2016
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Articles 1–20