Arnaud Legrand
Arnaud Legrand
Research Director. CNRS, University of Grenoble, Inria
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Heuristics for scheduling parameter sweep applications in grid environments
H Casanova, A Legrand, D Zagorodnov, F Berman
Proceedings 9th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW 2000)(Cat. No. PR00556 …, 2000
Simgrid: A generic framework for large-scale distributed experiments
H Casanova, A Legrand, M Quinson
Tenth International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (uksim …, 2008
Versatile, scalable, and accurate simulation of distributed applications and platforms
H Casanova, A Giersch, A Legrand, M Quinson, F Suter
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 74 (10), 2899-2917, 2014
Scheduling distributed applications: the simgrid simulation framework
A Legrand, L Marchal, H Casanova
CCGrid 2003. 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and …, 2003
Scheduling strategies for master-slave tasking on heterogeneous processor platforms
C Banino, O Beaumont, L Carter, J Ferrante, A Legrand, Y Robert
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 15 (4), 319-330, 2004
Scheduling divisible loads on star and tree networks: results and open problems
O Beaumont, H Casanova, A Legrand, Y Robert, Y Yang
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 16 (3), 207-218, 2005
Bandwidth-centric allocation of independent tasks on heterogeneous platforms
O Beaumont, L Carter, J Ferrante, A Legrand, Y Robert
Proceedings 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2002
The master-slave paradigm with heterogeneous processors
O Beaumont, A Legrand, Y Robert
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 14 (9), 897-908, 2003
Parallel algorithms
H Casanova, A Legrand, Y Robert
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2008
Accuracy study and improvement of network simulation in the simgrid framework
P Velho, A Legrand
2nd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, 2010
On the validity of flow-level tcp network models for grid and cloud simulations
P Velho, LM Schnorr, H Casanova, A Legrand
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 23 (4), 1-26, 2013
Centralized versus distributed schedulers for bag-of-tasks applications
O Beaumont, L Carter, J Ferrante, A Legrand, L Marchal, Y Robert
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 19 (5), 698-709, 2008
Scheduling divisible workloads on heterogeneous platforms
O Beaumont, A Legrand, Y Robert
Parallel computing 29 (9), 1121-1152, 2003
Optimal algorithms for scheduling divisible workloads on heterogeneous systems
O Beaumont, A Legrand, Y Robert
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 14 pp., 2003
Fog based framework for IoT service provisioning
B Donassolo, I Fajjari, A Legrand, P Mertikopoulos
2019 16th IEEE annual consumer communications & networking conference (CCNC …, 2019
Mapping and load-balancing iterative computations
A Legrand, H Renard, Y Robert, F Vivien
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 15 (6), 546-558, 2004
Simulating MPI applications: the SMPI approach
A Degomme, A Legrand, GS Markomanolis, M Quinson, M Stillwell, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (8), 2387-2400, 2017
Pipelining broadcasts on heterogeneous platforms
O Beaumont, A Legrand, L Marchal, Y Robert
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 16 (4), 300-313, 2005
Steady-state scheduling on heterogeneous clusters
O Beaumont, A Legrand, L Marchal, Y Robert
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 16 (02), 163-194, 2005
Predicting the energy-consumption of mpi applications at scale using only a single node
FC Heinrich, T Cornebize, A Degomme, A Legrand, A Carpen-Amarie, ...
2017 IEEE international conference on cluster computing (CLUSTER), 92-102, 2017
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Articles 1–20