Amine Chemchem
Amine Chemchem
Pôle Data Driven Intelligence, ATOS Montpellier
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Cited by
Cited by
Convolutional neural networks and temporal CNNs for COVID-19 forecasting in France
L Mohimont, A Chemchem, F Alin, M Krajecki, LA Steffenel
Applied Intelligence 51 (12), 8784-8809, 2021
A hybrid bees swarm optimization and tabu search algorithm for association rule mining
Y Djenouri, H Drias, A Chemchem
2013 World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, 120-125, 2013
From data mining to knowledge mining: Application to intelligent agents
A Chemchem, H Drias
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (3), 1436-1445, 2015
Combining SMOTE sampling and machine learning for forecasting wheat yields in France
A Chemchem, F Alin, M Krajecki
2019 IEEE second international conference on artificial intelligence and …, 2019
Deep learning and data mining classification through the intelligent agent reasoning
A Chemchem, F Alin, M Krajecki
2018 6th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud …, 2018
Towards a hierarchical deep learning approach for intrusion detection
F Alin, A Chemchem, F Nolot, O Flauzac, M Krajecki
Machine Learning for Networking: Second IFIP TC 6 International Conference …, 2020
Organizing association rules with meta-rules using knowledge clustering
Y Djenouri, H Drias, Z Habbas, A Chemchem
2013 11th International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS), 109-115, 2013
Multilevel clustering of induction rules for web meta-knowledge
A Chemchem, H Drias, Y Djenouri
Advances in information systems and technologies, 43-54, 2013
Improving the cognitive agent intelligence by deep knowledge classification
A Chemchem, F Alin, M Krajecki
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 18 (01 …, 2019
Incremental induction rules clustering
A Chemchem, Y Djenouri, H Drias
2013 8th International workshop on systems, signal processing and their …, 2013
Multilevel Clustering of Induction Rules: Application on Scalable Cognitive Agent
A Chemchem, H Drias, Y Djenouri
International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering (IJSSOE) 4 …, 2014
Estimation du Rendement du Mil Perlé (Pennisetum glaucum) par Machine Learning à l'aide d'Images Satellites
A Chemchem, L Mohimont, F Alin, LA Steffenel
10e Conférence Nationale sur les Applications Pratiques de l’Intelligence …, 2024
Procédé d’estimation automatique de la qualité d’un produit agricole
F Alin, M Krajecki, N Gaveau, LA Steffenel, A Chemchem, L Mohimont, ...
Traitement d’Images et Apprentissage Automatique pour la Viticulture de Précision
M Lucas, C Amine, R Marine, R Mathias, A François, G Nathalie, ...
Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle 2 (1), 33-63, 2022
Sélection d’images satellites pour inversion bathymétrique par réseau de neurones convolutif
A Chemchem, G Jubelin, G Cazanave
APIA@PFIA 2022 2022, 8-16, 2022
TERRA OCCITANIA: From text recognition to soil map generation
C Amine, S Quentin, S Lalla Aicha, M Loic, L Philippe, O Antoine, ...
Sophia summit 2021,, 2021
De la fouille de donnes vers la fouille de connaissances
A Chemchem
Faculté d'Electronique et d'Informatique, 2015
Multilevel Clustering on Very Large Scale of Web Data
A Chemchem, H Drias
Management Intelligent Systems: Second International Symposium, 9-16, 2013
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Articles 1–18