Péter Lajkó
Péter Lajkó
Associate Professor of physics, Kuwait University
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Strongly disordered spin ladders
R Mélin, YC Lin, P Lajkó, H Rieger, F Iglói
Physical Review B 65 (10), 104415, 2002
Disorder induced cross-over effects at quantum critical points
E Carlon, P Lajkó, F Iglói
Physical review letters 87 (27), 277201, 2001
Griffiths-McCoy singularities in random quantum spin chains: exact results through renormalization
F Iglói, R Juhász, P Lajkó
Physical Review Letters 86 (7), 1343, 2001
Surface critical behavior of two-dimensional dilute ising models
W Selke, F Szalma, P Lajko, F Igloi
Journal of statistical physics 89, 1079-1085, 1997
Anisotropic scaling in layered aperiodic Ising systems
B Berche, PE Berche, M Henkel, F Iglói, P Lajkó, S Morgan, L Turban
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 28 (5), L165, 1995
Surface magnetization and surface correlations in aperiodic Ising models
F Iglói, P Lajkó
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29 (16), 4803, 1996
Disorder-induced phases in higher-spin antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains
E Carlon, P Lajkó, H Rieger, F Iglói
Physical Review B 69 (14), 144416, 2004
Logarithmic delocalization of end spins in the s= 3 2 antiferromagnetic heisenberg chain
G Fáth, Ö Legeza, P Lajkó, F Iglói
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (21), 214447, 2006
Boundary critical behaviour of two-dimensional random Ising models
F Iglói, P Lajkó, W Selke, F Szalma
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (12), 2801, 1998
Disorder-induced phases in the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
P Lajkó, E Carlon, H Rieger, F Iglói
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (9), 094205, 2005
Corner exponents in the two-dimensional potts model
D Karevski, P Lajkó, L Turban
Journal of statistical physics 86, 1153-1162, 1997
Percolation and conduction in restricted geometries
P Lajkó, L Turban
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 33 (8), 1683, 2000
Mixed-order transition in the antiferromagnetic quantum Ising chain in a field
P Lajkó, F Iglói
Physical Review B 103 (17), 174404, 2021
Critical behavior of hierarchical ising models
F Iglói, P Lajkó, F Szalma
Physical Review B 52 (10), 7159, 1995
Reentrant random quantum Ising antiferromagnet
P Lajkó, JCA d'Auriac, H Rieger, F Iglói
Physical Review B 101 (2), 024203, 2020
Correlation-length–exponent relation for the two-dimensional random Ising model
P Lajkó, F Iglói
Physical Review E 61 (1), 147, 2000
Entanglement entropy of the quantum Potts chain
P Lajkó, F Iglói
Physical Review E 95 (1), 012105, 2017
Scaling properties at the interface between different critical subsystems: The Ashkin-Teller model
P Lajkó, L Turban, F Iglói
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (22), 224423, 2007
On the critical temperature of non-periodic Ising models on hexagonal lattices
F Iglói, P Lajkó
arXiv preprint cond-mat/9504037, 1995
Numerical study of the critical behavior of the Ashkin–Teller model at a line defect
P Lajkó, F Iglói
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (05), P05025, 2011
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