Color, phenolic and flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of honey from Roraima, Brazil JA Pontis, LAMA Costa, SJR Silva, A Flach Food Science and Technology 34, 69-73, 2014 | 325 | 2014 |
Antimicrobial activities of six essential oils commonly used as condiments in Brazil against Clostridium perfringens M Radaelli, BP Silva, L Weidlich, L Hoehne, A Flach, LAMA Costa, ... Brazilian journal of microbiology 47, 424-430, 2016 | 186 | 2016 |
Sexual Mimicry in Mormolyca ringens (Lindl.) Schltr. (Orchidaceae: Maxillariinae) RB Singer, A Flach, S Koehler, AJ Marsaioli, MDCE Amaral Annals of Botany 93 (6), 755-762, 2004 | 96 | 2004 |
Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in pre-harvest camu-camu [Myrciaria dubia (HBK) Mc Vaugh] fruits LC Neves, VX da Silva, JA Pontis, A Flach, SR Roberto Scientia Horticulturae 186, 223-229, 2015 | 87 | 2015 |
Evaluation of the toxicity and antimicrobial activity of hydroethanolic extract of Arrabidaea chica (Humb. & Bonpl.) B. Verl. L Mafioleti, IF da Silva Junior, EM Colodel, A Flach, DT de Oliveira Martins Journal of ethnopharmacology 150 (2), 576-582, 2013 | 85 | 2013 |
The chemistry of pollination in selected Brazilian Maxillariinae orchids: floral rewards and fragrance A Flach, RC Dondon, RB Singer, S Koehler, MCE Amaral, AJ Marsaioli Journal of Chemical Ecology 30, 1045-1056, 2004 | 79 | 2004 |
Stingless bee honey (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini): A review of quality control, chemical profile, and biological potential ECA Souza, C Menezes, A Flach Apidologie 52, 113-132, 2021 | 63 | 2021 |
The ecology and chemistry of pollination in Brazilian orchids: recent advances RB Singer, AJ Marsaioli, A Flach, MG Reis, J Teixeira da Silva Floriculture, ornamental and plant biotechnology 4, 569-582, 2006 | 54 | 2006 |
Chemical analysis and antifungal activity of the essential oil of Calea clematidea A Flach, B Gregel, E Simionatto, UF da Silva, N Zanatta, AF Morel, ... Planta medica 68 (09), 836-838, 2002 | 51 | 2002 |
Antibacterial mode of action of the hydroethanolic extract of Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br. involves bacterial membrane perturbations DM Oliveira, FG Melo, SO Balogun, A Flach, ECA de Souza, GP de Souza, ... Journal of ethnopharmacology 172, 356-363, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Pollination by Sexual Mimicry in Mormolyca ringens: A Floral Chemistry that Remarkably Matches the Pheromones of Virgin Queens of Scaptotrigona sp. A Flach, AJ Marsaioli, RB Singer, MDCE Amaral, C Menezes, WE Kerr, ... Journal of Chemical Ecology 32, 59-70, 2006 | 47 | 2006 |
Evaluation of seasonal changes in chemical composition and antibacterial activity of Elyonurus muticus (Sprengel) O. Kuntze (Gramineae) SC Hess, MTLP Peres, AL Batista, JP Rodrigues, SC Tiviroli, LGL Oliveira, ... Química Nova 30, 370-373, 2007 | 35 | 2007 |
A new cyclopeptide alkaloid from the bark of Waltheria douradinha AF Morel, A Flach, N Zanatta, EM Ethur, MA Mostardeiro, ITS Gehrke Tetrahedron Letters 40 (52), 9205-9209, 1999 | 35 | 1999 |
(R)-(-)-carvone and (1R, 4R)-trans-(+)-dihydrocarvone from poiretia latifolia vogel C Porto, CZ Stüker, AS Mallmann, E Simionatto, A Flach, T Canto-Dorow, ... Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 21, 782-786, 2010 | 31 | 2010 |
Chemical compositions and antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of propolis produced by Frieseomelitta longipes and Apis mellifera bees ECA Souza, EJG Silva, HKC Cordeiro, NM Lage Filho, F Silva, DLS Reis, ... Quimica Nova 41, 485-491, 2018 | 30 | 2018 |
The pollination mechanism of Habenaria pleiophylla Hoehne & Schlechter (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) RB Singer, TB Breier, A Flach, R Farias-Singer Functional Ecosystems and Communities 1 (1), 10-14, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
Chemical Changes Associated with the Invasion of a Melipona scutellaris Colony by Melipona rufiventris Workers A Pianaro, A Flach, EF Patricio, P Nogueira-Neto, AJ Marsaioli Journal of chemical ecology 33, 971-984, 2007 | 27 | 2007 |
Composição química e atividade antimicrobiana do óleo volátil de Casearia sylvestris Swart NFZ Schneider, NF Moura, T Colpo, A Flach Rev Bras Farm 87 (4), 112-114, 2006 | 26 | 2006 |
Floral scent of Eleocharis elegans (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.(Cyperaceae) AF Magalhães, ALTG Ruiz, A Flach, AD Faria, EG Magalhães, ... Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 33 (7), 675-679, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
Post-Acidification and evaluation of anthocyanins stability and antioxidan activity in açai fermented milk and yogurts (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) DCDOSS CAMPOS, LTBC NEVES, A Flach, LAMA COSTA, ... Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura 39, e-871, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |