Ricardo Falcao
Ricardo Falcao
Departamento de Física e Matemática, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei
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Normal heat conduction in a chain with a weak interparticle anharmonic potential
E Pereira, R Falcao
Physical review letters 96 (10), 100601, 2006
Interacting Brownian motion with resetting
R Falcao, MR Evans
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017 (2), 023204, 2017
Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of anharmonic crystals with self-consistent stochastic reservoirs
E Pereira, R Falcao
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (4 …, 2004
Analytic approach to the (an) harmonic crystal chains with self-consistent stochastic reservoirs
R Falcao, AF Neto, E Pereira
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 156, 1081-1088, 2008
Anomalous capillary length in cellular nematic-isotropic interfaces
OA Gomes, RC Falcao, ON Mesquita
Physical Review Letters 86 (12), 2577, 2001
Thermal conductivity of anharmonic crystals with self-consistent baths: Analytical computation with discrete time
E Pereira, R Falcao, HCF Lemos
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (3 …, 2013
A perturbative approach for the crystal chains with self-consistent stochastic reservoirs
R Falcao, AF Neto, E Pereira
arXiv preprint arXiv:0804.3622, 2008
Francisco Neto Antônio
SMN Ru, R Falcao
Teoret. Mat. Fiz 156 (1), 138-146, 2008
General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc.-Normal Heat Conduction a Chain with a Weak Interparticle Anharmonic Potential
E Pereira, R Falcao
Physical Review Letters 96 (10), 100601-100601, 2006
Anomalous Capillary Length in Cellular Nematic-Isotropic Interfaces
RC Falcão, OA Gomes, ON Mesquita
Physical Review Letters 86 (12), 2003
The loss of a sealed source. A radiological emergency
CAN de Oliveira, RC Falcao, MC Moreira, ET Silva, LA Vinhas
Seguridad Radiologica;(Argentina) 5, 1991
Composiçao musical e Fibonacci: a utilizaçao da música como forma lúdica de aprendizagem
CAR de Oliveira, R Falcao
Difusao com reinıcio estocástico
RC Falcao
O sistema não pode executar a operação agora. Tente novamente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–13