Mário Antunes
Mário Antunes
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro
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Towards IoT data classification through semantic features
M Antunes, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
Future Generation Computer Systems 86, 792-798, 2018
Forecasting appliances failures: A machine-learning approach to predictive maintenance
S Fernandes, M Antunes, AR Santiago, JP Barraca, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
Information 11 (4), 208, 2020
On the application of contextual iot service discovery in information centric networks
J Quevedo, M Antunes, D Corujo, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
Computer Communications 89, 117-127, 2016
Knee/elbow estimation based on first derivative threshold
M Antunes, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
2018 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and …, 2018
Assessing sheep behavior through low-power microcontrollers in smart agriculture scenarios
L Nóbrega, P Gonçalves, M Antunes, D Corujo
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 173, 105444, 2020
Scalable semantic aware context storage
M Antunes, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
Future Generation Computer Systems 56, 675-683, 2016
Context storage for m2m scenarios
M Antunes, D Gomes, R Aguiar
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3664-3669, 2014
Smart cloud of things: an evolved iot platform for telco providers
M Antunes, JP Barraca, D Gomes, P Oliveira, RL Aguiar
J. Ambient Wirel. Commun. Smart Environ.(AMBIENTCOM) 1, 1-24, 2016
Knee/elbow point estimation through thresholding
M Antunes, J Ribeiro, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
2018 IEEE 6th international conference on future internet of things and …, 2018
Effect of initial configuration of weights on training and function of artificial neural networks
RJ Jesus, ML Antunes, RA da Costa, SN Dorogovtsev, JFF Mendes, ...
Mathematics 9 (18), 2246, 2021
Semantic-based Publish/Subscribe for M2M
M Antunes, D Gomes, R Aguiar
Industrial Internet of things over 5G: A practical implementation
J Meira, G Matos, A Perdigão, J Cação, C Resende, W Moreira, ...
Sensors 23 (11), 5199, 2023
Semantic features for context organization
M Antunes, D Gomes, R Aguiar
2015 3rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, 87-92, 2015
Building an IoT platform based on service containerisation
M Antunes, AR Santiago, S Manso, D Regateiro, JP Barraca, D Gomes, ...
Sensors 21 (19), 6688, 2021
A context-aware framework for collaborative activities in pervasive communities
C Lima, M Antunes, D Gomes, R Aguiar, T Mota
International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST) 5 (2 …, 2014
Root Cause Analysis in 5G/6G Networks
D Canastro, R Rocha, M Antunes, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
SCoTv2: Large scale data acquisition, processing, and visualization platform
AR Santiago, M Antunes, JP Barraca, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
2019 7th International conference on future internet of things and cloud …, 2019
Predictive Maintenance System for efficiency improvement of heating equipment
AR Santiago, M Antunes, JP Barraca, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
Learning Semantic Features from Web Services
M Antunes, D Gomes, R Aguiar
Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), 2016 IEEE 4th International …, 2016
Aerial ball perception based on the use of a single perspective camera
J Silva, M Antunes, N Lau, AJR Neves, LS Lopes
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Portuguese Conference on …, 2013
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