Leonardo André Ambrosio
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Cited by
Integral localized approximation description of ordinary Bessel beams and application to optical trapping forces
LA Ambrosio, HE Hernández-Figueroa
Biomedical optics express 2 (7), 1893-1906, 2011
Experimental optical trapping with frozen waves
RAB Suarez, LA Ambrosio, AAR Neves, M Zamboni-Rached, ...
Optics Letters 45 (9), 2514-2517, 2020
Analytical approach of ordinary frozen waves for optical trapping and micromanipulation
LA Ambrosio, M Zamboni-Rached
Applied optics 54 (10), 2584-2593, 2015
Diffraction–attenuation resistant beams: their higher-order versions and finite-aperture generations
M Zamboni-Rached, LA Ambrósio, HE Hernández-Figueroa
Applied optics 49 (30), 5861-5869, 2010
Optical forces experienced by arbitrary-sized spherical scatterers from superpositions of equal-frequency Bessel beams
LA Ambrosio, M Zamboni-Rached
JOSA B 32 (5), B37-B46, 2015
On the validity of localized approximation for an on-axis zeroth-order Bessel beam
G Gouesbet, JA Lock, LA Ambrosio, JJ Wang
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 195, 18-25, 2017
On the validity of integral localized approximation for on-axis zeroth-order Mathieu beams
A Chafiq, LA Ambrosio, G Gouesbet, A Belafhal
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 204, 27-34, 2018
On localized approximations for Laguerre-Gauss beams focused by a lens
LA Ambrosio, G Gouesbet
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 218, 100-114, 2018
On the validity of the integral localized approximation for Bessel beams and associated radiation pressure forces
LA Ambrosio, J Wang, G Gouesbet
Applied optics 56 (19), 5377-5387, 2017
Gradient forces on double-negative particles in optical tweezers using Bessel beams in the ray optics regime
LA Ambrosio, HE Hernández-Figueroa
Optics express 18 (23), 24287-24292, 2010
Light sheets for continuous-depth holography and three-dimensional volumetric displays
AH Dorrah, P Bordoloi, VS de Angelis, JO de Sarro, LA Ambrosio, ...
Nature Photonics 17 (5), 427-434, 2023
Assessing the validity of the localized approximation for discrete superpositions of Bessel beams
LA Ambrosio, LFM Votto, G Gouesbet, J Wang
JOSA B 35 (11), 2690-2698, 2018
On the validity of the use of a localized approximation for helical beams. II. Numerical aspects
LA Ambrosio, G Gouesbet
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 215, 41-50, 2018
On the validity of the use of a localized approximation for helical beams. I. Formal aspects
G Gouesbet, LA Ambrosio
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 208, 12-18, 2018
Finite series expressions to evaluate the beam shape coefficients of a Laguerre–Gauss beam freely propagating.
G Gouesbet, LFM Votto, LA Ambrosio
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 227, 12-19, 2019
Structuring light under different polarization states within micrometer domains: exact analysis from the Maxwell equations
M Zamboni-Rached, LA Ambrosio, AH Dorrah, M Mojahedi
Optics Express 25 (9), 10051-10056, 2017
Evaluation of beam shape coefficients of paraxial Laguerre–Gauss beam freely propagating by using three remodeling methods
LFM Votto, LA Ambrosio, G Gouesbet
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 239, 106618, 2019
Discrete vector frozen waves in generalized Lorenz–Mie theory: linear, azimuthal, and radial polarizations
LA Ambrosio, MZ Rached, G Gouesbet
Applied optics 57 (12), 3293-3300, 2018
Radiation pressure cross sections and optical forces over negative refractive index spherical particles by ordinary Bessel beams
LA Ambrosio, HE Hernández-Figueroa
Applied optics 50 (22), 4489-4498, 2011
Bessel-Gauss beams in the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory using three remodeling techniques
NL Valdivia, LFM Votto, G Gouesbet, J Wang, LA Ambrosio
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 256, 107292, 2020
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Articles 1–20