José H Schoereder
José H Schoereder
Departamento de Biologia Geral, Universidade Federal de Viçosa
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Tree heterogeneity, resource availability, and larger scale processes regulating arboreal ant species richness
CR Ribas, JH Schoereder, M Pic, SM Soares
Austral Ecology 28 (3), 305-314, 2003
How pervasive is biotic homogenization in human‐modified tropical forest landscapes?
RRC Solar, J Barlow, J Ferreira, E Berenguer, AC Lees, JR Thomson, ...
Ecology Letters 18 (10), 1108-1118, 2015
Biodiversity consequences of land-use change and forest disturbance in the Amazon: A multi-scale assessment using ant communities
RR de Castro Solar, J Barlow, AN Andersen, JH Schoereder, ...
Biological Conservation 197, 98-107, 2016
Are all ant mosaics caused by competition?
CR Ribas, JH Schoereder
Oecologia 131, 606-611, 2002
Should we use proportional sampling for species–area studies?
JH Schoereder, C Galbiati, CR Ribas, TG Sobrinho, CF Sperber, ...
Journal of Biogeography 31 (8), 1219-1226, 2004
Suitability of leguminous cover crop pollens as food source for the green lacewing Chrysoperla externa (Hagen)(Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)
M Venzon, MC Rosado, DE Euzébio, B Souza, JH Schoereder
Neotropical Entomology 35, 371-376, 2006
How predictable is the response of ant assemblages to natural forest recovery? Implications for their use as bioindicators
FA Schmidt, CR Ribas, JH Schoereder
Ecological Indicators 24, 158-166, 2013
The arboreal ant community visiting extrafloral nectaries in the Neotropical cerrado savanna
C Ribas, P Oliveira, T Sobrinho, J Schoereder, M Madureira
Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews 3 (1), 3-27, 2010
Ant communities, environmental characteristics and their implications for conservation in the Brazilian Pantanal
CR Ribas, JH Schoereder
Biodiversity and Conservation 16, 1511-1520, 2007
How large is large enough for insects? Forest fragmentation effects at three spatial scales
CR Ribas, TG Sobrinho, JH Schoereder, CF Sperber, C Lopes-Andrade, ...
Acta Oecologica 27 (1), 31-41, 2005
Ant-nest distribution in a remnant of tropical rainforest in southeastern Brazil
SM Soares, JH Schoereder
Insectes Sociaux 48, 280-286, 2001
Colonization and extinction of ant communities in a fragmented landscape
JH Schoereder, TG Sobrinho, CR Ribas, RBF Campos
Austral Ecology 29 (4), 391-398, 2004
Edge and shape effects on ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) species richness and composition in forest fragments
TG Sobrinho, JH Schoereder
Biodiversity and Conservation 16, 1459-1470, 2007
Flora visitada pelas abelhas eussociais (Hymenoptera, Apidae) na Serra da Capivara, em Caatinga do Sul do Piauí
MCA Lorenzon, CAR Matrangolo, JH Schoereder
Neotropical Entomology 32, 27-36, 2003
Effects of host plant architecture on colonization by galling insects
APA Araújo, JDA De Paula, MAA Carneiro, JH Schoereder
Austral Ecology 31 (3), 343-348, 2006
Comparison of the efficiency of flight-interception trap models for sampling Hymenoptera and other insects
WG Campos, D Pereira, JH Schoereder
Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 29, 381-389, 2000
Litter decomposition in semideciduous forest and Eucalyptus spp. crop in Brazil: a comparison
JNC Louzada, JH Schoereder, P De Marco Jr
Forest ecology and Management 94 (1-3), 31-36, 1997
New data and comments on scarabaeidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) associated with attini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
FZ Vaz-de-Mello, JNC Louzada, JH Schoereder
The Coleopterists' Bulletin, 209-216, 1998
Ants as indicators of the success of rehabilitation efforts in deposits of gold mining tailings
CR Ribas, FA Schmidt, RRC Solar, RBF Campos, CL Valentim, ...
Restoration Ecology 20 (6), 712-720, 2012
Seasonality in neotropical populations of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera): resource availability and migration
WG Campos, JH Schoereder, OF DeSouza
Population Ecology 48, 151-158, 2006
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