Rahayu Widyastuti
Rahayu Widyastuti
Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor
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Impact of tropical lowland rainforest conversion into rubber and oil palm plantations on soil microbial communities
V Krashevska, B Klarner, R Widyastuti, M Maraun, S Scheu
Biology and fertility of soils 51, 697-705, 2015
Linking size spectrum, energy flux and trophic multifunctionality in soil food webs of tropical land‐use systems
AM Potapov, B Klarner, D Sandmann, R Widyastuti, S Scheu
Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (12), 1845-1859, 2019
Functional losses in ground spider communities due to habitat structure degradation under tropical land‐use change
AM Potapov, N Dupérré, M Jochum, K Dreczko, B Klarner, AD Barnes, ...
Ecology 101 (3), e02957, 2020
Peran bakteri penambat nitrogen untuk mengurangi dosis pupuk nitrogen anorganik pada padi sawah
I Widiyawati, A Junaedi, R Widyastuti
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 42 (2), 2014
Trophic niches, diversity and community composition of invertebrate top predators (Chilopoda) as affected by conversion of tropical lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
B Klarner, H Winkelmann, V Krashevska, M Maraun, R Widyastuti, ...
PloS one 12 (8), e0180915, 2017
ISOLASI DAN IDENTIFIKASI MIKROBA TANAH PENDEGRADASI SELULOSA DAN PEKTIN DARI RHIZOSFER Aquilaria malaccensis Isolation and Identification of Cellulose and Pectin-Degrading Soil …
A Adryan, R Widyastuti, G Djajakirana
Micro-decomposer communities and decomposition processes in tropical lowlands as affected by land use and litter type
V Krashevska, E Malysheva, B Klarner, Y Mazei, M Maraun, R Widyastuti, ...
Oecologia 187, 255-266, 2018
Changes in structure and functioning of protist (testate amoebae) communities due to conversion of lowland rainforest into rubber and oil palm plantations
V Krashevska, B Klarner, R Widyastuti, M Maraun, S Scheu
PLoS One 11 (7), e0160179, 2016
Changes in nematode communities and functional diversity with the conversion of rainforest into rubber and oil palm plantations
V Krashevska, AA Kudrin, R Widyastuti, S Scheu
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 487, 2019
Air quality index and the urgency of environmental education in Kalimantan
NF Sulaeman, A Nuryadin, R Widyastuti, L Subagiyo
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 9 (3), 371-383, 2020
Conversion of rainforest to oil palm and rubber plantations alters energy channels in soil food webs
WI Susanti, MM Pollierer, R Widyastuti, S Scheu, A Potapov
Ecology and Evolution 9 (16), 9027-9039, 2019
Shift in trophic niches of soil microarthropods with conversion of tropical rainforest into plantations as indicated by stable isotopes (15N, 13C)
A Krause, D Sandmann, SL Bluhm, S Ermilov, R Widyastuti, NF Haneda, ...
PLoS One 14 (10), e0224520, 2019
Pemanfaatan Limbah Sekam Padi Dalam Pembuatan Arang Sekam di Pekon Bulurejo, Kecamatan Gadingrejo, Kabupaten Pringsewu
I Listiana, R Bursan, RAD Widyastuti, A Rahmat, H Jimad
Intervensi Komunitas 3 (1), 1-5, 2021
Utilization of organic fertilizer to increase paddy growth and productivity using System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method in saline soil
VO Subardja, I Anas, R Widyastuti
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 3 (2), 543, 2016
Tropical land use alters functional diversity of soil food webs and leads to monopolization of the detrital energy channel
Z Zhou, V Krashevska, R Widyastuti, S Scheu, A Potapov
Elife 11, e75428, 2022
Oil palm and rubber expansion facilitates earthworm invasion in Indonesia
A Potapov, I Schaefer, M Jochum, R Widyastuti, N Eisenhauer, S Scheu
Biological Invasions 23 (9), 2783-2795, 2021
Soil fauna in rainfed paddy field ecoystems: their role in organic matter decomposition and nitrogen mineralization
R Widyastuti
Cuvillier Verlag, 2002
Kualitas dan produksi vermikompos menggunakan cacing African Night Crawler (Eudrilus eugeniae)
F Hazra, N Dianisa, R Widyastuti
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah Dan Lingkungan 20 (2), 77-81, 2018
Pengaruh pemupukan organik limbah baglog jamur dan pemupukan takaran NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi pakchoy (Brassica chinensis L.)
IA Bellapama, K Hendarto, RAD Widyastuti
Jurnal Agrotek Tropika 3 (3), 2015
Contributions to the knowledge of oribatid mites of Indonesia. 2. The genus Pergalumna (Galumnidae) with description of a new species and key to known species in the Oriental …
SG Ermilov, D Sandmann, B Klarner, R Widyastuti, S Scheu
ZooKeys, 87, 2015
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