A fast algorithm for the maximum clique problem PRJ Östergård
Discrete Applied Mathematics 120 (1-3), 197-207, 2002
883 2002 Dense packings of congruent circles in a circle RL Graham, BD Lubachevsky, KJ Nurmela, PRJ Östergård
Discrete Mathematics 181 (1-3), 139-154, 1998
348 1998 Classification algorithms for codes and designs P Kaski, PRJ Östergård
Springer, 2006
338 2006 A new algorithm for the maximum-weight clique problem PRJ Östergård
Nordic Journal of Computing 8 (4), 424-436, 2001
266 2001 Packing up to 50 equal circles in a square KJ Nurmela, PRJ Östergård
Discrete & Computational Geometry 18, 111-120, 1997
157 1997 Existence of-analogs of Steiner systems M Braun, T Etzion, PRJ Östergård, A Vardy, A Wassermann
Forum of Mathematics, Pi 4, e7, 2016
155 2016 Cliquer user’s guide S Niskanen, PRJ Östergård
version 1.0. Technical report 48, 2003, 2003
150 2003 More optimal packings of equal circles in a square KJ Nurmela, PRJ Ostergå rd
Discrete & Computational Geometry 22, 439-457, 1999
130 1999 Covering a square with up to 30 equal circles KJ Nurmela, PRJ Östergård
126 2000 The Steiner triple systems of order 19 P Kaski, P Östergård
Mathematics of Computation 73 (248), 2075-2092, 2004
117 2004 Bounds on mixed binary/ternary codes AE Brouwer, HO Hamalainen, PRJ Ostergard, NJA Sloane
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44 (1), 140-161, 1998
93 1998 Cliquer user's guide, version 1.0 S Niskanen, P Östergård
90 2003 The number of Latin squares of order 11 A Hulpke, P Kaski, P Östergård
Mathematics of computation 80 (274), 1197-1219, 2011
88 2011 Bounds and constructions for ternary constant-composition codes M Svanstrom, PRJ Ostergard, GT Bogdanova
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48 (1), 101-111, 2002
84 2002 Computational methods in design theory PB Gibbons
Handbook of Combinatorial Designs, 781-808, 2006
82 2006 Error-correcting codes over an alphabet of four elements GT Bogdanova, AE Brouwer, SN Kapralov, PRJ Östergård
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 23, 333-342, 2001
82 2001 The Perfect Binary One-Error-Correcting Codes of Length : Part I—Classification PRJ Ostergard, O Pottonen
IEEE transactions on information theory 55 (10), 4657-4660, 2009
78 2009 LCL problems on grids S Brandt, J Hirvonen, JH Korhonen, T Lempiäinen, PRJ Östergård, ...
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 101-110, 2017
76 2017 Computing the domination number of grid graphs. S Alanko, S Crevals, A Isopoussu, P Östergård, V Pettersson
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only] 18 (1), Research …, 2011
68 2011 Greedy and heuristic algorithms for codes and colorings T Etzion, PRJ Ostergard
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44 (1), 382-388, 1998
63 1998