Izabel Fernanda Machado
Izabel Fernanda Machado
Professora do Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica e Sistemas Mecânicos, Universidade de São Paulo
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Experimental and numerical analysis of dry contact in the pin on disc test
EM Bortoleto, AC Rovani, V Seriacopi, FJ Profito, DC Zachariadis, ...
Wear 301 (1-2), 19-26, 2013
Microstructural characterization and the effect of phase transformations on toughness of the UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel aged treated at 850 C
I Zucato, MC Moreira, IF Machado, SMG Lebrão
Materials Research 5, 385-389, 2002
Microstructures and mechanical properties of Fe–15% Cr–15% Ni austenitic stainless steels containing different levels of niobium additions submitted to various processing stages
AF Padilha, IF Machado, RL Plaut
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 170 (1-2), 89-96, 2005
Aging behaviour of 25Cr–17Mn high nitrogen duplex stainless steel
IF Machado, AF Padilha
ISIJ international 40 (7), 719-724, 2000
The study of ternary carbides formation during SPS consolidation process in the WC–Co–steel system
IF Machado, L Girardini, I Lonardelli, A Molinari
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 27 (5), 883-891, 2009
Effect of laser surface texturing on friction behaviour in elastohydrodynamically lubricated point contacts under different sliding-rolling conditions
G Boidi, IS Tertuliano, FJ Profito, W De Rossi, IF Machado
Tribology international 149, 105613, 2020
Using machine learning radial basis function (RBF) method for predicting lubricated friction on textured and porous surfaces
G Boidi, MR Da Silva, FJ Profito, IF Machado
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 8 (4), 044002, 2020
Technological advances in steels heat treatment
IF Machado
Journal of materials processing technology 172 (2), 169-173, 2006
Fast laser surface texturing of spherical samples to improve the frictional performance of elasto-hydrodynamic lubricated contacts
G Boidi, PG Grützmacher, A Kadiric, FJ Profito, IF Machado, C Gachot, ...
Friction 9, 1227-1241, 2021
On Cr2N precipitation mechanisms in high-nitrogen austenite
PA Carvalho, IF Machado, G Solorzano, AF Padilha
Philosophical magazine 88 (2), 229-242, 2008
Microstructure and microtexture changes during solution nitriding to produce austenitic case on ferritic–austenitic duplex stainless steel
AF Padilha, V Randle, IF Machado
Materials Science and Technology 15 (9), 1015-1018, 1999
A bifailure specimen for accessing failure criteria performance
L Driemeier, RT Moura, IF Machado, M Alves
International Journal of Plasticity 71, 62-86, 2015
Thermal analysis of the chip formation in austenitic stainless steel
GMP Chagas, PA Barbosa, CA Barbosa, IF Machado
Procedia Cirp 8, 293-298, 2013
Mechanical characterisation and machining evaluation of ceramic cutting tools functionally graded with six layers
M Bertolete, PA Barbosa, W De Rossi, C Fredericci, IF Machado
Ceramics International 46 (10), 15137-15145, 2020
Tribofilm formation during dry sliding of graphite-and MoS2-based composites obtained by spark plasma sintering
MFC Ordonez, MCM Farias, S Descartes, IF Machado, RM Souza
Tribology International 160, 107035, 2021
Transformações de fase no estado sólido em alguns aços inoxidáveis austeníticos e ferríticos-austeníticos (dúplex) contendo altos fatores de nitrogênio.
IF Machado
Universidade de São Paulo, 1999
Consolidation of Bi-2223 superconducting powders by spark plasma sintering
E Govea-Alcaide, IF Machado, M Bertolete-Carneiro, P Muné, RF Jardim
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (11), 2012
Local transformation of amorphous hydrogenated carbon coating induced by high contact pressure
NK Fukumasu, CF Bernardes, MA Ramirez, VJ Trava-Airoldi, RM Souza, ...
Tribology International 124, 200-208, 2018
Exfoliation and intergranular corrosion resistance of the 2198 Al–Cu–Li alloy with different thermomechanical treatments
JV de Sousa Araujo, MX Milagre, RO Ferreira, ...
Materials and Corrosion 71 (12), 1957-1970, 2020
Stress analysis to improve pitting resistance in gear teeth
NK Fukumasu, GAA Machado, RM Souza, IF Machado
Procedia Cirp 45, 255-258, 2016
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Articles 1–20