Jonas Laerte Ansoni
Jonas Laerte Ansoni
Ph.D., Thermal and Fluids Engineering Laboratory, EESC, University of Sao Paulo
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A finite difference method with meshless interpolation for incompressible flows in non-graded tree-based grids
FS Sousa, CF Lages, JL Ansoni, A Castelo, A Simao
Journal of Computational physics 396, 848-866, 2019
Optimal industrial reactor design: development of a multiobjective optimization method based on a posteriori performance parameters calculated from CFD flow solutions
JL Ansoni, P Seleghim Jr
Advances in Engineering Software 91, 23-35, 2016
Multiobjective optimization of a flat-panel airlift reactor designed by computational fluid dynamics
JL Ansoni, PA Santiago, P Seleghim Jr
Chemical Engineering Science 195, 946-957, 2019
Dynamic response of a frame-foundation-soil system: a coupled BEM–FEM procedure and a GPU implementation
R Carrion, E Mesquita, JL Ansoni
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 37 …, 2015
Velocity gradient optimization in a perforated tray-type flocculator using OpenFOAM: CFD as a tool in water treatment
PA Melo, E Freire, JL Ansoni, LFC Oliveira, CS Franco
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 15 (2), 387-397, 2022
An experimental and numerical study on the wall lubrication force in dispersed liquid-liquid flow
OMH Rodriguez, IH Rodriguez, JL Ansoni
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 120, 103094, 2019
Year. Reconstruction of the convection coefficient from non-intrusive measurements: Regularization of the inverse problem by the truncated singular value decomposition method
20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 1-8, 2009
Metodologia para projeto de biorreatores industriais via otimização multiobjetivo com base em parâmetros de desempenho calculados por técnicas de CFD
JL Ansoni
Universidade de São Paulo, 2015
Convection coefficient estimation by the TSVD method applied to the associated inverse thermal problem
AC Brandi, JL Ansoni, P Seleghim Jr
Heat Trans. Eng 34, 111-122, 2013
Computational simulation of an aerodynamic profile of a vehicle SAE formula type using OpenFOAM
LVA Nunes, ERCG Freire, JL Ansoni
A new approach to randomly generate porous media to perform cfd simulations
JL Ansoni, LF Souza, A Castelo, AM Afonso
Anais, 2017
Resolution of an inverse thermal problem using parallel processing on shared-memory multiprocessor architectures
JL Ansoni, AC Brandi, P Seleghim Jr
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 23 (2), 351-375, 2015
Convection coefficient estimation by the truncated singular value decomposition method applied to the associated inverse thermal problem
AC Brandi, JL Ansoni, P Seleghim Jr
Heat transfer engineering 35 (9), 803-811, 2014
Resolução de um problema térmico inverso utilizando processamento paralelo em arquiteturas de memória compartilhada
JL Ansoni
Universidade de São Paulo, 2010
Study of methods for the resolution of large sparse linear systems associated with multiphase flow tomography problem
JL Ansoni, AC Brandi, GLC Carosio, P Seleghim Jr
XXX Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, Florianópolis–SC, 2007
Estudo computacional da hidrodinâmica em filtros de areia aplicados em processos de irrigação
ERCG Freire, JL Ansoni, MLV Passos, FP de Deus
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied …, 2025
Estudo quantitativo da eficiência de floculador hidráulico retangular vertical de placas paralelas: análise dos gradientes de velocidade
PS da Silva, JL Ansoni, ERCG Freire
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied …, 2023
Comparação do Comportamento Hidrodinâmico em Dois Tipos de Floculadores de Fluxo Vertical em Placas Paralelas Perfuradas via Fluidodinâmica Computacional
PS da Silva, JPV Silveira, JL Ansoni, ERCG Freire
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied …, 2022
Computational simulation of an aerodynamic profile of a vehicle SAE formula type using OpenFOAM
LV de Albuquerque Nunes, ERCG Freire, JL Ansoni
Semina: Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas 43 (1), 3-10, 2022
Simulação de escoamento em equipamento de decantação para Estações de Tratamento de Água usando o software livre OpenFOAM
SL Marinho, ERCG Freire, LFC de Oliveira, JL Ansoni, CS Franco
Revista de Matemática da UFOP 2, 38-46, 2022
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Artigos 1–20