Eduardo Nunes Borges
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Consensus via penalty functions for decision making in ensembles in fuzzy rule-based classification systems
M Elkano, M Galar, JA Sanz, PF Schiavo, S Pereira Jr, GP Dimuro, ...
Applied Soft Computing 67, 728-740, 2018
Using the Choquet integral in the pooling layer in deep learning networks
CA Dias, JCS Bueno, EN Borges, SSC Botelho, GP Dimuro, G Lucca, ...
Fuzzy Information Processing: 37th Conference of the North American Fuzzy …, 2018
An unsupervised heuristic-based approach for bibliographic metadata deduplication
EN Borges, MG de Carvalho, R Galante, MA Gonçalves, AHF Laender
Information Processing & Management 47 (5), 706-718, 2011
Prediction of attempted suicide in men and women with crack-cocaine use disorder in Brazil
VS Roglio, EN Borges, FD Rabelo-da-Ponte, F Ornell, JN Scherer, ...
PLoS One 15 (5), e0232242, 2020
General grouping functions
H Santos, GP Dimuro, TC Asmus, G Lucca, EN Borges, B Bedregal, ...
International Conference on Information Processing and Management of …, 2020
On D-implications derived by grouping functions
GP Dimuro, H Santos, B Bedregal, EN Borges, E Palmeira, J Fernandez, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-6, 2019
Mineração de dados em triagem de risco de saúde
TV Maciel, V da Rosa Seus, K dos Santos Machado, EN Borges
Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada 7 (2), 26-40, 2015
d-XC integrals: on the generalization of the expanded form of the Choquet integral by restricted dissimilarity functions and their applications
J Wieczynski, J Fumanal-Idocin, G Lucca, EN Borges, T da Cruz Asmus, ...
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 30 (12), 5376-5389, 2022
Analyzing the performance of different fuzzy measures with generalizations of the Choquet integral in classification problems
G Lucca, JA Sanz, GP Dimuro, EN Borges, H Santos, H Bustince
2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-6, 2019
Simulating the behaviour of choquet-like (pre) aggregation functions for image resizing in the pooling layer of deep learning networks
C Dias, J Bueno, E Borges, G Lucca, H Santos, G Dimuro, H Bustince, ...
Fuzzy Techniques: Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the 2019 Joint …, 2019
A methodology for selecting the most suitable cluster validation internal indices
C Tomasini, L Emmendorfer, EN Borges, K Machado
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 901-903, 2016
Um sistema para análise de redes de pesquisa baseado na Plataforma Lattes
LR de Farias, AP Vargas, EN Borges, R Grande–RS–Brazil
Escola Regional de Banco de Dados, 2012
Generalizing the GMC-RTOPSIS method using CT-integral pre-aggregation functions
JC Wieczynski, GP Dimuro, EN Borges, HS Santos, G Lucca, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-8, 2020
A study on the relationship between internal and external validity indices applied to partitioning and density-based clustering algorithms
C Tomasini, EN Borges, K Machado, L Emmendorfer
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2, 89-98, 2017
Ciência Brasil-the brazilian portal of science and technology
A Laender, M Moro, A Silva, C Davis Junior, M Gonçalves, R Galante, ...
-Integrals: Generalizing C-Integrals by Means of Restricted Dissimilarity Functions
J Wieczynski, G Lucca, GP Dimuro, EN Borges, JA Sanz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 31 (1), 160-173, 2022
Aggregation functions based on the Choquet integral applied to image resizing
JCS Bueno, CA Dias, GP Dimuro, H Santos, EN Borges, G Lucca, ...
11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology …, 2019
Acesso aberto a dados de pesquisa no Brasil: mapeamento de repositórios, práticas e percepções dos pesquisadores e tecnologias
RFG Junior, RP da Rocha, SE Caregnato, CMG Pavão, PCSJ Passos, ...
Ciência da Informação 48 (3), 2019
Análise dos sistemas DSpace e Dataverse para repositórios de dados de pesquisa com acesso aberto
RP Rocha, RF Gabriel Junior, SAS Vanz, EN Borges, LAB Azambuja, ...
Revista Brasileira de Biblioteconomia e Documentação. São Paulo. Vol. 17 …, 2021
CC-separation measure applied in business group decision making
J Wieczynski, G Lucca, EN Borges, G Pereira Dimuro, R Lourenzutti, ...
Filipe, F.; Smialek, M.; Brodsky, A.; Hammoudi, S.(Eds.): Proceedings of the …, 2021
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