Henrique Mohallem Paiva
Henrique Mohallem Paiva
Professor of Control Systems, Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP)
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Cited by
A variable elimination method to improve the parsimony of MLR models using the successive projections algorithm
RKH Galvao, MCU Araujo, WD Fragoso, EC Silva, GE Jose, SFC Soares, ...
Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 92 (1), 83-91, 2008
Fractional order modeling of large three-dimensional RC networks
RKH Galvão, S Hadjiloucas, KH Kienitz, HM Paiva, RJM Afonso
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 60 (3), 624-637, 2012
Cross-validation for the selection of spectral variables using the successive projections algorithm
RKH Galvão, MCU Araújo, EC Silva, GE José, SFC Soares, HM Paiva
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 18, 1580-1584, 2007
A graphical user interface for variable selection employing the successive projections algorithm
HM Paiva, SFC Soares, RKH Galvão, MCU Araújo
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 118, 260-266, 2012
A data-driven model to describe and forecast the dynamics of COVID-19 transmission
HM Paiva, RJM Afonso, IL de Oliveira, GF Garcia
PloS one 15 (7), e0236386, 2020
A new wavelet family for speckle noise reduction in medical ultrasound images
AS Leal, HM Paiva
Measurement 140, 572-581, 2019
Adaptive wavelet EMG compression based on local optimization of filter banks
JPLM Paiva, CA Kelencz, HM Paiva, RKH Galvao, M Magini
Physiological Measurement 29 (7), 843, 2008
Optimal wavelet filter construction using X and Y data
RKH Galvão, GE José, HA Dantas Filho, MCU Araujo, EC da Silva, ...
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 70 (1), 1-10, 2004
Wavelet-packet identification of dynamic systems in frequency subbands
HM Paiva, RKH Galvão
Signal processing 86 (8), 2001-2008, 2006
Blood-glucose regulation using fractional-order PID control
HM Paiva, WS Keller, LGR da Cunha
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 31 (1), 1-9, 2020
On the effects of artificial feeding on bee colony dynamics: a mathematical model
JPLM Paiva, HM Paiva, E Esposito, MM Morais
PloS one 11 (11), e0167054, 2016
A wavelet band-limiting filter approach for fault detection in dynamic systems
HM Paiva, RKH Galvao, T Yoneyama
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2008
On the space of orthonormal wavelets: Additional constraints to ensure two vanishing moments
HM Paiva, MN Martins, RKH Galvao, JPLM Paiva
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 16 (2), 101-104, 2009
A computational tool for trend analysis and forecast of the COVID-19 pandemic
HM Paiva, RJM Afonso, FMS de Lima Alvarenga, ...
Applied Soft Computing 105, 107289, 2021
Optimized orthonormal wavelet filters with improved frequency separation
HM Paiva, RKH Galvão
Digital Signal Processing 22 (4), 622-627, 2012
Fault detection in a laboratory helicopter employing a wavelet-based analytical redundancy approach
R Waschburger, HM Paiva, JJR e Silva, RKH Galvão
2010 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol), 70-75, 2010
A wavelet-based multivariable approach for fault detection in dynamic systems
HM Paiva, RKH Galvão, L Rodrigues
Sba: Controle & Automação Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica 20, 455-464, 2009
Using pbl and agile to teach artificial intelligence to undergraduate computing students
VAM De Barros, HM Paiva, VT Hayashi
IEEE Access, 2023
Information system for epidemic control: a computational solution addressing successful experiences and main challenges
GC Rocha, HM Paiva, DG Sanches, D Fiks, RM Castro, LFA Silva
Library Hi Tech 39 (3), 834-854, 2021
Identification of fractional-order transfer functions using exponentially modulated signals with arbitrary excitation waveforms
RKH Galvão, MCM Teixeira, E Assunção, HM Paiva, S Hadjiloucas
ISA transactions 103, 10-18, 2020
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Articles 1–20