Stafford Tavares
Stafford Tavares
Professor Emeritus,Queen's University
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On the design of S-boxes
AF Webster, SE Tavares
Conference on the theory and application of cryptographic techniques, 523-534, 1985
The structured design of cryptographically good S-boxes
C Adams, S Tavares
Journal of cryptology 3 (1), 27-41, 1990
Flexible access control with master keys
GC Chick, SE Tavares
Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology, 316-322, 1989
An expanded set of S-box design criteria based on information theory and its relation to differential-like attacks
MH Dawson, SE Tavares
Advances in Cryptology—EUROCRYPT’91: Workshop on the Theory and Application …, 1991
Substitution-permutation networks resistant to differential and linear cryptanalysis
HM Heys, SE Tavares
Journal of cryptology 9 (1), 1-19, 1996
Good S-boxes are easy to find
C Adams, S Tavares
Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO’89 Proceedings 9, 612-615, 1990
A Fast VLSI Multiplier for GF(2m)
P Scott, SE Tavares, L Peppard
IEEE Journal on selected Areas in Communications 4 (1), 62-66, 1986
Generating and counting binary bent sequences
CM Adams, SE Tavares
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36 (5), 1170-1173, 1990
On the design of linear transformations for substitution permutation encryption networks
AM Youssef, S Mister, SE Tavares
Workshop on Selected Areas of Cryptography (SAC’96): Workshop Record 1997, 40-48, 1997
Constructing large cryptographically strong S-boxes
J Detombe, S Tavares
International workshop on the theory and application of cryptographic …, 1992
Cryptanalysis of RC4-like Ciphers
S Mister, SE Tavares
International Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography, 131-143, 1998
Avalanche characteristics of substitution-permutation encryption networks
HM Heys, SE Tavares
IEEE Transactions on Computers 44 (9), 1131-1139, 1995
Designing S-boxes for ciphers resistant to differential cryptanalysis
CM Adams, SE Tavares
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on State and Progress of Research in …, 1993
New method for upper bounding the maximum average linear hull probability for SPNs
L Keliher, H Meijer, S Tavares
International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic …, 2001
Modelling and analyzing cryptographic protocols using Petri nets
BB Nieh, SE Tavares
International Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic …, 1992
A new class of substitution-permutation networks
AM Youssef, SE Tavares, HM Heys
Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography, SAC 96, 132-147, 1996
Improving the upper bound on the maximum average linear hull probability for Rijndael
L Keliher, H Meijer, S Tavares
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 8th Annual International Workshop, SAC 2001 …, 2001
Resistance of balanced s-boxes to linear and differential cryptanalysis
AM Youssef, SE Tavares
Information Processing Letters 56 (5), 249-252, 1995
Architectures for exponentiation in GF (2/sup m/)
PA Scott, SJ Simmons, SE Tavares, LE Peppard
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 6 (3), 578-585, 1988
VLSI implementation of public-key encryption algorithms
GA Orton, MP Roy, PA Scott, LE Peppard, SE Tavares
Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO’86: Proceedings 6, 277-301, 1987
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Artigos 1–20