Noé G. Almarza
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Cited by
Role of the interaction range in the shaping of phase diagrams in simple fluids. The hard sphere Yukawa fluid as a case study
E Lomba, NG Almarza
The Journal of chemical physics 100 (11), 8367-8372, 1994
Phase transitions in a continuum model of the classical Heisenberg magnet: The ferromagnetic system
E Lomba, JJ Weis, NG Almarza, F Bresme, G Stell
Physical Review E 49 (6), 5169, 1994
Phase stability of binary non‐additive hard‐sphere mixtures: A self‐consistent integral equation study
E Lomba, M Alvarez, LL Lee, NG Almarza
The Journal of chemical physics 104 (11), 4180-4188, 1996
Phase behavior of attractive and repulsive ramp fluids: Integral equation and computer simulation studies
E Lomba, NG Almarza, C Martin, C McBride
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (24), 2007
Periodic ordering of clusters and stripes in a two-dimensional lattice model. II. Results of Monte Carlo simulation
NG Almarza, J Pekalski, A Ciach
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (16), 164708, 2014
Determination of the interaction potential from the pair distribution function: An inverse Monte Carlo technique
NG Almarza, E Lomba
Physical Review E 68 (1), 011202, 2003
Periodic ordering of clusters and stripes in a two-dimensional lattice model. I. Ground state, mean-field phase diagram and structure of the disordered phases
J Pekalski, A Ciach, NG Almarza
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (11), 114701, 2014
How well do we know the structure of simple molecular liquids? CCl4 revisited
FJ Bermejo, E Enciso, J Alonso, N Garcia, WS Howells
Molecular Physics 64 (6), 1169-1184, 1988
Monte Carlo simulations of liquid n-butane
NG Almarza, E Enciso, J Alonso, FJ Bermejo, M Alvarez
Molecular Physics 70 (3), 485-504, 1990
Dynamic structure factor of a helium-neon dense gas mixture: Crossover from hydrodynamics to the microscopic regime
E Enciso, NG Almarza, P Dominguez, MA Gonzalez, FJ Bermejo
Physical review letters 74 (21), 4233, 1995
Monte Carlo simulation of liquid n‐alkanes. I. Intramolecular structure and thermodynamics
NG Almarza, E Enciso, FJ Bermejo
The Journal of chemical physics 96 (6), 4625-4632, 1992
Demixing in binary mixtures of apolar and dipolar hard spheres
NG Almarza, E Lomba, C Martín, A Gallardo
The Journal of Chemical Physics 129 (23), 2008
Periodic ordering of clusters in a one-dimensional lattice model
J Pekalski, A Ciach, NG Almarza
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (14), 144903, 2013
Phase equilibria of asymmetric hard sphere mixtures
NG Almarza, E Enciso
Physical Review E 59 (4), 4426, 1999
Low density equation of state of asymmetric hard sphere mixtures
E ENCISO, NG Almarza, DS Calzas, MA Gonzalez
Molecular Physics 92 (2), 173-176, 1997
Phase diagram of a two-dimensional lattice gas model of a ramp system
NG Almarza, JA Capitán, JA Cuesta, E Lomba
The Journal of chemical physics 131 (12), 2009
Virial coefficients of hard-sphere mixtures
E Enciso, NG Almarza, MA González, FJ Bermejo
Physical Review E 57 (4), 4486, 1998
Nematic phase in the square-lattice Ising model in an external field
AI Guerrero, DA Stariolo, NG Almarza
Physical Review E 91 (5), 052123, 2015
Three-dimensional patchy lattice model: Ring formation and phase separation
JM Tavares, NG Almarza, MM Telo da Gama
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (4), 2014
Surface tension of the Widom-Rowlinson model
E De Miguel, NG Almarza, G Jackson
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (3), 2007
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Articles 1–20