Carine Souveyet
Cited by
Cited by
Guiding goal modeling using scenarios
C Rolland, C Souveyet, CB Achour
IEEE transactions on software engineering 24 (12), 1055-1071, 1998
An approach for defining ways-of-working
C Rolland, C Souveyet, M Moreno
Information Systems 20 (4), 337-359, 1995
Guiding use case authoring: Results of an empirical study
CB Achour, C Rolland, NAM Maiden, C Souveyet
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (Cat …, 1999
An intentional approach to service engineering
C Rolland, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, C Souveyet
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 3 (4), 292-305, 2010
Modelling and Engineering the Requirements Engineering Process: an overview of the NATURE approach
G Grosz, C Rolland, S Schwer, C Souveyet, V Plihon, S Si-Said, ...
Requirements Engineering 2, 115-131, 1997
Semantic representation of context models: a framework for analyzing and understanding
S Najar, O Saidani, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, C Souveyet, S Nurcan
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies, 1-10, 2009
Eliciting service composition in a goal driven manner
RS Kaabi, C Souveyet, C Rolland
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Service oriented …, 2004
From method fragments to method services
R Deneckère, A Iacovelli, E Kornyshova, C Souveyet
arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.0428, 2009
Framework for Agile Methods Classification.
A Iacovelli, C Souveyet
MoDISE-EUS, 91-102, 2008
Describing business processes with a guided use case approach
S Nurcan, G Grosz, C Souveyet
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 10th International Conference …, 1998
Capturing intentional services with business process maps
RS Kaabi, C Souveyet
1rst IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2007
Defining visions in context: models, processes and tools for requirements engineering
R Dömges, S Jacobs, M Jarke, HW Nissen, K Pohl, N Maiden, A Sutcliffe, ...
Information systems 6 (21), 515-547, 1996
Composants dans l’ingénierie des systèmes d’information: concepts clés et techniques de réutilisation
F Barbier, C Cauvet, M Oussalah, D Rieu, S Bennasri, C Souveyet, ...
Actes des deuxièmes assises nationales du GDR-I3, 2002
A new approach for service discovery and prediction on pervasive information system
S Najar, MK Pinheiro, C Souveyet
procedia computer science 32, 421-428, 2014
Patterns for extending an OO model with temporal features
R Deneckère, C Souveyet
OOIS’98: 1998 International Conference on Object-Oriented Information …, 1998
Service discovery mechanism for an intentional pervasive information system
S Najar, MK Pinheiro, C Souveyet, LA Steffenel
2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services, 520-527, 2012
Method as a service (MaaS)
A Iacovelli, C Souveyet, C Rolland
2008 Second International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2008
Performance evaluation of os-level virtualization solutions for hpc purposes on soc-based systems
D Beserra, MK Pinheiro, C Souveyet, LA Steffenel, ED Moreno
2017 IEEE 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2017
The influence of context on intentional service
S Najar, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, C Souveyet
2011 IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2011
Improving the performance of Apache Hadoop on pervasive environments through context-aware scheduling
G W. Cassales, A Schwertner Charão, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, C Souveyet, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 7, 333-345, 2016
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Articles 1–20