Nguyen Ha Nam
Nguyen Ha Nam
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Cited by
Random forest classifier combined with feature selection for breast cancer diagnosis and prognostic
C Nguyen, Y Wang, HN Nguyen
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Genetic algorithm to improve SVM based network intrusion detection system
DS Kim, HN Nguyen, JS Park
19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2005
Fusions of GA and SVM for anomaly detection in intrusion detection system
DS Kim, HN Nguyen, SY Ohn, JS Park
Advances in Neural Networks–ISNN 2005: Second International Symposium on …, 2005
Credit scoring with a feature selection approach based deep learning
VS Ha, HN Nguyen
MATEC Web of Conferences 54, 05004, 2016
Vehicle Mode and Driving Activity Detection Based on Analyzing Sensor Data of Smartphones
DN Lu, DN Nguyen, TH Nguyen, HN Nguyen
Sensors 18 (4), 1036, 2018
Improving Credit Risk Prediction in Online Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending Using Feature selection with Deep learning
VS Ha, DN Lu, GS Choi, HN Nguyen, B Yoon
2019 21st International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology …, 2019
Cell-level somatic mutation detection from single-cell RNA sequencing
TN Vu, HN Nguyen, S Calza, KR Kalari, L Wang, Y Pawitan
Bioinformatics 35 (22), 4679-4687, 2019
A novel credit scoring prediction model based on Feature Selection approach and parallel random forest
H Van Sang, NH Nam, ND Nhan
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (20), 1-6, 2016
Mobile Online Activity Recognition System Based on Smartphone Sensors
DN Lu, TT Nguyen, TH Nguyen, HN Nguyen
International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication …, 2016
Combined kernel function approach in SVM for diagnosis of cancer
HN Nguyen, SY Ohn, J Park, KS Park
Advances in Natural Computation: First International Conference, ICNC 2005 …, 2005
Determining optimal decision model for support vector machine by genetic algorithm
SY Ohn, HN Nguyen, DS Kim, JS Park
Computational and Information Science: First International Symposium, CIS …, 2005
Combined kernel function for support vector machine and learning method based on evolutionary algorithm
HN Nguyen, SY Ohn, WJ Choi
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 1273-1278, 2004
A Novel Feature Set Extraction Based on Accelerometer Sensor Data for Improving the Fall Detection System
HL Le, DN Nguyen, TH Nguyen, HN Nguyen
Electronics 11 (7), 1030, 2022
Evaluation of methods to detect circular RNAs from single-end RNA-sequencing data
MH Nguyen, HN Nguyen, TN Vu
BMC genomics 23 (1), 106, 2022
Evolutionary parameter estimation algorithm for combined kernel function in support vector machine
SY Ohn, HN Nguyen, SD Chi
Advanced Workshop on Content Computing, 481-486, 2004
Drfe: Dynamic recursive feature elimination for gene identification based on random forest
HN Nguyen, SY Ohn
International conference on neural information processing, 1-10, 2006
Optimizing weighted kernel function for support vector machine by genetic algorithm
HN Nguyen, SY Ohn, SH Chae, DH Song, I Lee
MICAI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 5th Mexican International …, 2006
Circall: fast and accurate methodology for discovery of circular RNAs from paired-end RNA-sequencing data
DT Nguyen, QT Trac, TH Nguyen, HN Nguyen, N Ohad, Y Pawitan, TN Vu
BMC bioinformatics 22, 1-18, 2021
Solving the problem of stacking goods: mathematical model, heuristics and a case study in container stacking in ports
C Lersteau, TT Nguyen, TT Le, HN Nguyen, W Shen
IEEE Access 9, 25330-25343, 2021
Dynamic Basic Activity Sequence Matching Method in Abnormal Driving Pattern Detection Using Smartphone Sensors
TH Nguyen, DN Lu, DN Nguyen, HN Nguyen
Electronics 9 (2), 217, 2020
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Articles 1–20