Hyonho Chun
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Cited by
Sparse partial least squares regression for simultaneous dimension reduction and variable selection
H Chun, S Keleş
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2010
Expression quantitative trait loci mapping with multivariate sparse partial least squares regression
H Chun, S Keleş
Genetics 182 (1), 79-90, 2009
IL1R1 is required for celastrol’s leptin-sensitization and antiobesity effects
X Feng, D Guan, T Auen, JW Choi, MA Salazar Hernández, J Lee, ...
Nature medicine 25 (4), 575-582, 2019
Metabolomics profiling to determine the effect of postmortem aging on color and lipid oxidative stabilities of different bovine muscles
D Ma, YHB Kim, B Cooper, JH Oh, H Chun, JH Choe, JP Schoonmaker, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65 (31), 6708-6716, 2017
Spls: sparse partial least squares (SPLS) regression and classification
D Chung, H Chun, S Keles
R package, version 2, 1-1, 2012
Mutalisk: a web-based somatic MUTation AnaLyIS toolKit for genomic, transcriptional and epigenomic signatures
J Lee, AJ Lee, JK Lee, J Park, Y Kwon, S Park, H Chun, YS Ju, D Hong
Nucleic acids research 46 (W1), W102-W108, 2018
Comparison of the fecal, cecal, and mucus microbiome in male and female mice after TNBS-induced colitis
AJ Kozik, CH Nakatsu, H Chun, YL Jones-Hall
PLoS One 14 (11), e0225079, 2019
A RUNX2 stabilization pathway mediates physiologic and pathologic bone formation
JM Kim, YS Yang, KH Park, X Ge, R Xu, N Li, M Song, H Chun, S Bok, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2289, 2020
Learning dispatching rules using random forest in flexible job shop scheduling problems
S Jun, S Lee, H Chun
International Journal of Production Research 57 (10), 3290-3310, 2019
Age, sex, and TNF associated differences in the gut microbiota of mice and their impact on acute TNBS colitis
AJ Kozik, CH Nakatsu, H Chun, YL Jones-Hall
Experimental and Molecular Pathology 103 (3), 311-319, 2017
Sparse estimation of conditional graphical models with application to gene networks
B Li, H Chun, H Zhao
Journal of the American Statistical Association 107 (497), 152-167, 2012
CMARRT: a tool for the analysis of ChIP-chip data from tiling arrays by incorporating the correlation structure
PF Kuan, H Chun, S Keleş
Biocomputing 2008, 515-526, 2008
On an additive semigraphoid model for statistical networks with application to pathway analysis
B Li, H Chun, H Zhao
Journal of the American Statistical Association 109 (507), 1188-1204, 2014
Joint conditional Gaussian graphical models with multiple sources of genomic data
H Chun, M Chen, B Li, H Zhao
Frontiers in genetics 4, 294, 2013
Genome-wide association studies using single-nucleotide polymorphisms versus haplotypes: an empirical comparison with data from the North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium
H Shim, H Chun, CD Engelman, BA Payseur
BMC proceedings 3, 1-6, 2009
Gene regulation network inference with joint sparse gaussian graphical models
H Chun, X Zhang, H Zhao
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 24 (4), 954-974, 2015
Proteomic and metabolomic profiling reveals the involvement of apoptosis in meat quality characteristics of ovine M. longissimus from different callipyge genotypes
D Ma, Q Yu, VE Hedrick, BR Cooper, TJP Sobreira, JH Oh, H Chun, ...
Meat science 166, 108140, 2020
Suppression of heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva using AAV gene delivery
YS Yang, JM Kim, J Xie, S Chaugule, C Lin, H Ma, E Hsiao, J Hong, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 6175, 2022
Identification of association between disease and multiple markers via sparse partial least‐squares regression
H Chun, DH Ballard, J Cho, H Zhao
Genetic epidemiology 35 (6), 479-486, 2011
Biphasic regulation of osteoblast development via the ERK MAPK–mTOR pathway
JM Kim, YS Yang, J Hong, S Chaugule, H Chun, MCH van Der Meulen, ...
Elife 11, e78069, 2022
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Articles 1–20