Huiqiu Yuan (H.Q. Yuan)
Huiqiu Yuan (H.Q. Yuan)
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Nearly isotropic superconductivity in (Ba,K)Fe2As2
HQ Yuan, J Singleton, FF Balakirev, SA Baily, GF Chen, JL Luo, NL Wang
Nature 457 (7229), 565-568, 2009
Hidden magnetism and quantum criticality in the heavy fermion superconductor CeRhIn5
T Park, F Ronning, HQ Yuan, MB Salamon, R Movshovich, JL Sarrao, ...
Nature 440 (7080), 65-68, 2006
Observation of two distinct superconducting phases in CeCu2Si2
HQ Yuan, FM Grosche, M Deppe, C Geibel, G Sparn, F Steglich
Science 302 (5653), 2104-2107, 2003
Fe-based superconductivity with Tc= 31 K bordering an antiferromagnetic insulator in (Tl, K) FexSe2
MH Fang, HD Wang, CH Dong, ZJ Li, CM Feng, J Chen, HQ Yuan
Europhysics Letters 94 (2), 27009, 2011
Superconductivity and spin–orbit coupling in non-centrosymmetric materials: a review
M Smidman, MB Salamon, HQ Yuan, DF Agterberg
Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (3), 036501, 2017
-Wave Spin-Triplet Order in Superconductors without Inversion Symmetry: and
HQ Yuan, DF Agterberg, N Hayashi, P Badica, D Vandervelde, K Togano, ...
Physical review letters 97 (1), 017006, 2006
Superconducting Properties of the Fe-Based Layered Superconductor
GF Chen, Z Li, G Li, J Zhou, D Wu, J Dong, WZ Hu, P Zheng, ZJ Chen, ...
Physical review letters 101 (5), 057007, 2008
Superconductivity at 32 K and anisotropy in Tl0. 58Rb0. 42Fe1. 72Se2 crystals
HD Wang, CH Dong, ZJ Li, QH Mao, SS Zhu, CM Feng, HQ Yuan, ...
Europhysics Letters 93 (4), 47004, 2011
Strange-metal behaviour in a pure ferromagnetic Kondo lattice
B Shen, Y Zhang, Y Komijani, M Nicklas, R Borth, A Wang, Y Chen, Z Nie, ...
Nature 579 (7797), 51-55, 2020
Weak anisotropy of the superconducting upper critical field in single crystals
M Fang, J Yang, FF Balakirev, Y Kohama, J Singleton, B Qian, ZQ Mao, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (2), 020509, 2010
Direct observation of how the heavy-fermion state develops in
QY Chen, DF Xu, XH Niu, J Jiang, R Peng, HC Xu, CHP Wen, ZF Ding, ...
Physical Review B 96 (4), 045107, 2017
Pressure-induced double superconducting domes and charge instability in the kagome metal
F Du, S Luo, BR Ortiz, Y Chen, W Duan, D Zhang, X Lu, SD Wilson, ...
Physical Review B 103 (22), L220504, 2021
Nodeless superconductivity in the kagome metal CsV3Sb5
W Duan, Z Nie, S Luo, F Yu, BR Ortiz, L Yin, H Su, F Du, A Wang, Y Chen, ...
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 64 (10), 107462, 2021
Ultrafast Pump-Probe Study of Phase Separation and Competing Orders <?format ?>in the Underdoped Superconductor
EEM Chia, D Talbayev, JX Zhu, HQ Yuan, T Park, JD Thompson, ...
Physical review letters 104 (2), 027003, 2010
Recent progress on superconductors with time-reversal symmetry breaking
SK Ghosh, M Smidman, T Shang, JF Annett, AD Hillier, J Quintanilla, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (3), 033001, 2020
Evidence for nodal superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional
GM Pang, M Smidman, WB Jiang, JK Bao, ZF Weng, YF Wang, L Jiao, ...
Physical Review B 91 (22), 220502, 2015
Revised phase diagram for the FeTeSe system with fewer excess Fe atoms
C Dong, H Wang, Z Li, J Chen, HQ Yuan, M Fang
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (22), 224506, 2011
Thermodynamic and transport investigation of
ED Bauer, F Ronning, C Capan, MJ Graf, D Vandervelde, HQ Yuan, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (24), 245109, 2006
Superconductivity in the Filled Cage Compounds and
FM Grosche, HQ Yuan, W Carrillo-Cabrera, S Paschen, C Langhammer, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (24), 247003, 2001
Time-reversal symmetry breaking in Re-based superconductors
T Shang, M Smidman, SK Ghosh, C Baines, LJ Chang, DJ Gawryluk, ...
Physical review letters 121 (25), 257002, 2018
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