Edson OliveiraJr
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Systematic Management of Variability in UML-based Software Product Lines.
EAO Junior, IM de Souza Gimenes, JC Maldonado
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 16 (17), 2374-2393, 2010
Considerations about the efficiency and sufficiency of the utilization of the Scrum methodology: A survey for analyzing results for development teams
M Morandini, TA Coleti, E Oliveira Jr, PLP Corrêa
Computer Science Review 39, 100314, 2021
A variability management process for software product lines.
EA de Oliveira Junior, IM de Souza Gimenes, EHM Huzita, JC Maldonado
CASCON, 225-241, 2005
Extending UML components to develop software product-line architectures: Lessons learned
AC Contieri, GG Correia, TE Colanzi, IMS Gimenes, EA Oliveira, S Ferrari, ...
Software Architecture: 5th European Conference, ECSA 2011, Essen, Germany …, 2011
Tailoring the Scrum framework for software development: Literature mapping and feature-based support
LA Garcia, E OliveiraJr, M Morandini
Information and Software Technology 146, 106814, 2022
Systematic evaluation of software product line architectures
EA Oliveira Junior, I Gimenes, JC Maldonado, PC Masiero, L Barroca
Journal of Universal Computer Science 19 (1), 25-52, 2013
Surveying the impacts of COVID-19 on the perceived productivity of Brazilian software developers
E Oliveira Jr, G Leal, MT Valente, M Morandini, R Prikladnicki, ...
Proceedings of the XXXIV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 586-595, 2020
A metric suite to support software product line architecture evaluation
EA de Oliveira Junior, I Gimenes, J Maldonado
XXXIV Conferencia Latinaoamericana de Informatica (CLEI 2008), 489-498, 2008
Model-based testing of software product lines: Mapping study and research roadmap
KL Petry, E OliveiraJr, AF Zorzo
Journal of Systems and Software 167, 110608, 2020
SMartySPEM: a SPEM-based approach for variability management in software process lines
EA Oliveira Junior, MG Pazin, IMS Gimenes, U Kulesza, FA Aleixo
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 14th International Conference …, 2013
Towards a conceptual model for promoting digital forensics experiments
E OliveiraJr, AF Zorzo, CV Neu
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 35, 301014, 2020
Towards the Effectiveness of a Variability Management Approach at Use Case Level.
A Marcolino, EAO Junior, IMS Gimenes, JC Maldonado
SEKE, 214-219, 2013
Empirically based evolution of a variability management approach at uml class level
A Marcolino, E Oliveira, I Gimenes, EF Barbosa
2014 IEEE 38th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 354-363, 2014
Software process line as an approach to support software process reuse: A systematic literature review
EN Teixeira, FA Aleixo, FD de Sousa Amancio, E OliveiraJr, U Kulesza, ...
Information and Software Technology 116, 106175, 2019
Towards the Establishment of a Software Product Line for Mobile Learning Applications.
VF Júnior, NF Duarte Filho, E OliveiraJr, EF Barbosa
SEKE, 678-683, 2014
Have variability tools fulfilled the needs of the software industry?
AP Allian, E Oliveira Jr, R Capilla, EY Nakagawa
Journal of Universal Computer Science 26 (10), 1282-1311, 2020
Empirical validation of complexity and extensibility metrics for software product line architectures
EAO Junior, JC Maldonado, IMS Gimenes
2010 Fourth Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and …, 2010
A contribution to the adoption of software product lines in the development of mobile learning applications
V Falvo, NF Duarte Filho, E Oliveira, EF Barbosa
2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings, 1-8, 2014
Variability identification and representation in software product line UML sequence diagrams: Proposal and empirical study
A Marcolino, E Oliveira, I Gimenes
2014 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 141-150, 2014
Modeling variabilities from software process lines with compositional and annotative techniques: A quantitative study
FA Aleixo, U Kulesza, EA Oliveira Junior
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 14th International Conference …, 2013
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