David Mendes
David Mendes
Professor of Atmosphere an climate Science
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Temporal downscaling: a comparison between artificial neural network and autocorrelation techniques over the Amazon Basin in present and future climate change scenarios
D Mendes, JA Marengo
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 100 (3), 413-421, 2010
Climatology of extratropical cyclones over the South American–southern oceans sector
D Mendes, EP Souza, JA Marengo, MCD Mendes
Theoretical and applied climatology 100, 239-250, 2010
On precursors of South American cyclogenesis
D Mendes, EP Souza, IF Trigo, PMA Miranda
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 59 (1), 114-121, 2007
Artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression model using principal components to estimate rainfall over South America
T Soares dos Santos, D Mendes, R Rodrigues Torres
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 23 (1), 13-20, 2016
Psychometric properties of the elderly nursing core set
C Fonseca, M Lopes, D Mendes, P Parreira, L Mónico, C Marques
Gerontechnology: First International Workshop, IWoG 2018, Cáceres, Spain …, 2019
Harmonic analysis of climatological temperature over Antarctica: present day and greenhouse warming perspectives
F Justino, A Setzer, TJ Bracegirdle, D Mendes, A Grimm, G Dechiche, ...
International Journal of Climatology 31 (4), 514-530, 2011
Fire foci in South America: Impact and causes, fire hazard and future scenarios
JF de Oliveira-Junior, D Mendes, WLF Correia Filho, CA da Silva Junior, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112, 103623, 2021
Avaliação do modelo regional ETA utilizando as análises do CPTEC e NCEP
RG Moura, DL Herdies, D Mendes, MCD Mendes
Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 25, 46-53, 2010
Urban rainfall in the Capitals of Brazil: Variability, trend, and wavelet analysis
JF de Oliveira-Júnior, WLF Correia Filho, L da Silva Monteiro, M Shah, ...
Atmospheric Research 267, 105984, 2022
Rainfall in the urban area and its impact on climatology and population growth
L da Silva Monteiro, JF de Oliveira-Júnior, B Ghaffar, A Tariq, S Qin, ...
Atmosphere 13 (10), 1610, 2022
The bioclimate present and future in the state of São Paulo/Brazil: Space-time analysis of human thermal comfort
JPA Gobo, CA Wollmann, MC Celuppi, E Galvani, MR Faria, D Mendes, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 78, 103611, 2022
Spatiotemporal analysis of fire foci and environmental degradation in the biomes of Northeastern Brazil
JF de Oliveira-Júnior, M Shah, A Abbas, WLF Correia Filho, ...
Sustainability 14 (11), 6935, 2022
Maximum covariance analysis to identify intraseasonal oscillations over tropical Brazil
NJC Barreto, MS Mesquita, D Mendes, MHC Spyrides, GU Pedra, ...
Climate Dynamics 49, 1583-1596, 2017
Climatology of the dynamic and thermodynamic features of upper tropospheric cyclonic vortices in Northeast Brazil
JS dos Reis, WA Gonçalves, D Mendes
Climate Dynamics 57 (11), 3413-3431, 2021
Situational-context for virtually modeling the elderly
J Garcia-Alonso, J Berrocal, JM Murillo, D Mendes, C Fonseca, M Lopes
Ambient Intelligence–Software and Applications–, 9th International Symposium …, 2019
Comparison results for the CFSv2 hindcasts and statistical downscaling over the northeast of Brazil
GAM Silva, D Mendes
Advances in Geosciences 35, 79-88, 2013
Regimes de circulação no Atlântico Sul e sua relação com a localização e intensidade de sistemas ativos e com o balanço de vapor na região
D Mendes
Universidad de Lisboa, 2006
A zona de convergência intertropical sobre o oceano Atlântico: Climatologia
ABC de Melo, P Nobre, D Mendes, MJ Bottino
Climatology of cyclones, anticyclones and storm tracks: Revision of concepts
D Mendes, MD Mendes
Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 22, 127-134, 2004
Início da estação chuvosa nas Regiões Sudeste, Centro-Oeste e sul do Nordeste do Brasil, afetadas pela crise de energia
JA Marengo, LM Alves, CAC Castro, D Mendes
Energia: monitoramento hidrometeorológico: CPTEC/INPE, 2002
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Artigos 1–20