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Physical Review B 64 (8), 081102, 2001
134 2001 Temperature-dependent Raman and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy studies on phase transition behavior of VO2 films with M1 and M2 phases K Okimura, N Hanis Azhan, T Hajiri, S Kimura, M Zaghrioui, J Sakai
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (15), 2014
73 2014 Local symmetry breaking and spin–phonon coupling in SmCrO3 orthochromite M El Amrani, M Zaghrioui, VT Phuoc, F Gervais, NE Massa
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65 2014 Organically modified silica with pyrazole-3-carbaldehyde as a new sorbent for solid-liquid extraction of heavy metals S Radi, S Tighadouini, M Bacquet, S Degoutin, F Cazier, M Zaghrioui, ...
Molecules 19 (1), 247-262, 2013
65 2013 Influence of Crystal Orientation and Annealing on the Oxygen Diffusion and Surface Exchange of La2 NiO4+δ M Burriel, H Téllez, RJ Chater, R Castaing, P Veber, M Zaghrioui, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (32), 17927-17938, 2016
55 2016 Bottom-up and new compaction processes: A way to tunable properties of nanostructured cobalt ferrite ceramics S Imine, F Schoenstein, S Mercone, M Zaghrioui, N Bettahar, N Jouini
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55 2011 Polarized reflectivity and lattice dynamics calculation of multiferroic M Zaghrioui, V Ta Phuoc, RA Souza, M Gervais
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55 2008 Effect of Fe substitution on multiferroic hexagonal YMnO3 M Zaghrioui, JM Greneche, C Autret-Lambert, M Gervais
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50 2011 Pulsed laser-deposited VO2 thin films on Pt layers J Sakai, M Zaghrioui, V Ta Phuoc, S Roger, C Autret-Lambert, K Okimura
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41 2013 Removal efficiency of Pb (II), Zn (II), Cd (II) and Cu (II) from aqueous solution and natural water by ketoenol–pyrazole receptor functionalized silica hybrid adsorbent S Tighadouini, S Radi, M Bacquet, S Degoutin, M Zaghrioui, S Jodeh, ...
Separation Science and Technology 52 (4), 608-621, 2017
39 2017 Polarized Raman scattering of large crystalline domains in VO2 films on sapphire M Zaghrioui, J Sakai, NH Azhan, K Su, K Okimura
Vibrational Spectroscopy 80, 79-85, 2015
37 2015 Metal–insulator transition at room temperature and infrared properties of thin films F Capon, P Laffez, JF Bardeau, P Simon, P Lacorre, M Zaghrioui
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36 2002 Microstructure and metal–insulator transition of NdNiO3 thin films on various substrates P Laffez, M Zaghrioui, I Monot, T Brousse, P Lacorre
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36 1999 Impact of thermal expansion of substrates on phase transition temperature of VO2 films J Sakai, M Zaghrioui, M Matsushima, H Funakubo, K Okimura
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (12), 2014
35 2014 Magnetic properties of Ni (II)–Mn (III) LDHs F Giovannelli, M Zaghrioui, C Autret-Lambert, F Delorme, A Seron, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 137 (1), 55-60, 2012
33 2012 Electron doped (Sm1− x, Cax) MnO3 perovskite manganite as potential infrared thermochromic switch P Laffez, M Zaghrioui, L Reversat, P Ruello
Applied physics letters 89 (8), 2006
33 2006 Removal of toxic heavy metals from river water samples using a porous silica surface modified with a new β-ketoenolic host S Tighadouini, S Radi, A Elidrissi, K Haboubi, M Bacquet, S Degoutin, ...
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 10 (1), 262-273, 2019
32 2019 Electronic conduction and microstructure in polymer composites filled with carbonaceous particles A Mdarhri, C Brosseau, M Zaghrioui, I El Aboudi
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (3), 2012
31 2012 Quantitative removal of Zn (II) from aqueous solution and natural water using new silica-immobilized ketoenol–pyridine receptor S Radi, S Tighadouini, M Bacquet, S Degoutin, B Revel, M Zaghrioui
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28 2015 Synthesis of 1-(Furan-2-yl) imine functionalized silica as a chelating sorbent and its preliminary use in metal Ion adsorption S Tighadouini, S Radi, M Bacquet, JP Dacquin, YN Mabkhot, S Jodeh, ...
Separation Science and Technology 50 (5), 710-717, 2015
28 2015