João Paulo De Carli
João Paulo De Carli
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The effect of laser and botulinum toxin in the treatment of myofascial pain and mouth opening: A randomized clinical trial
BMG De Carli, AKD Magro, BN Souza-Silva, F de Souza Matos, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 159, 120-123, 2016
Most Frequent Oral Lesions in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
MS Trentin, G Verardi, JP de Carli, SO da Silva, IF Lima, LR Paranhos
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 18 (2), 107-111, 2017
Saúde bucal do idoso institucionalizado em dois asilos de Passo Fundo-RS
SO Silva, MS Trentin, MSS Linden, JP Carli, N Silveira Neto, LR Luft
RGO (Porto Alegre), 303-308, 2008
Influence of age on factors associated with peri-implant bone loss after prosthetic rehabilitation over osseointegrated implants
REL PEDRO, JPDE CARLI, MS Linden, IF Lima, LR Paranhos, MD Costa, ...
The journal of contemporary dental practice, 2017
Aplicações da toxina botulínica em odontologia
AK Dall'Magro, R Santos, E Dall'Magro, B Fior, CN Matiello, JP Carli
Salusvita 34 (2), 371-382, 2015
Lesões bucais relacionadas ao uso de próteses dentárias removíveis
JP De Carli, BM Giaretta, RR Vieira, JS Ghizoni, JR Pereira
Rev. Salusvita (Online), 2013
Prevalência de candidose bucal em pacientes hospitalizados e avaliação dos fatores de risco
RT Stramandinoli, PHC Souza, FH Westphalen, JC Bisinelli, SA Ignácio, ...
RSBO 7 (1), 66-72, 2010
Prevalence of red and orange microbial complexes in endodontic-periodontal lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis
DJ Gambin, FC Vitali, JP De Carli, RR Mazzon, BPFA Gomes, TM Duque, ...
Clinical Oral Investigations, 1-14, 2021
Levantamento epidemiológico das lesões bucais nos pacientes atendidos nas clínicas da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Passo Fundo
K Hoff, SO da Silva, JP De Carli
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia-UPF 20 (3), 2015
Levantamento epidemiológico dos casos de carcinoma epidermóide da cavidade bucal registrados no serviço de diagnóstico histopatológico do Instituto de Ciências Biológicas da …
JC Mosele, LP Stangler, MS Trentin, SO Silva, JP Carli
Rev odonto 16 (32), 18-24, 2008
Low-level laser therapy in the management of oral mucositis induced by radiotherapy: a randomized double-blind clinical trial
A Kuhn-Dall’Magro, E Zamboni, T Fontana, LC Dogenski, JP De Carli, ...
J Contemp Dent Pract 23 (1), 31-6, 2022
Prevalence of dental caries in patients with intellectual disabilities from the Association of Exceptional Children’s Parents and Friends of Southern Brazil
RGO-Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia 65 (04), 352-358, 2017
Hepatitis C and Oral Lichen Planus: Evaluation of their Correlation and Risk Factors in a Longitudinal Clinical Study.
JP De Carli, MS Linden, SO da Silva, MS Trentin, LR Paranhos
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 17 (1), 27-31, 2016
Orthognathic surgery and orthodontics associated with orofacial harmonization: Case report
AK Dall'Magro, LC Dogenski, E Dall'Magro, NS Figur, MS Trentin, ...
International journal of surgery case reports 83, 106013, 2021
Perfil dos pacientes atendidos no setor de exames e triagem da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul
DA Mattos, A Lehnen, MS Trentin, SO Silva, JP Carli, MSS Linden
RGO 57 (4), 437-441, 2009
Testing international techniques for the radiographic assessment of third molar maturation
V Sartori, A Franco, MS Linden, M Cardoso, D de Castro, A Sartori, ...
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry 13 (12), e1182, 2021
The impact of oral rehabilitation with implants in nutrition and quality of life: A questionnaire-based survey on self-perception
É Bugone, CB Vicenzi, MZ Cardoso, L Berra, JP De Carli, A Franco, ...
Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry 11 (5), e470, 2019
Odontologia baseada em evidências: otimizando a prática e a pesquisa
A Demathé, ARS Silva, JP De Carli, MC Goiato, GI Miyahara
RFO UPF 17 (1), 96-100, 2012
Relação diagnóstica entre folículo pericoronário e cisto dentígero
JP Carli, JT Colpani, MSS Linden, NP Moraes, MF Damian, SO Silva
RGO. Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Online) 58 (2), 207-213, 2010
Prevalence and severity of periodontal disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients: A cross-sectional study
MS Trentin, JP Carli, MDC Ferreira, DJ Gambin, SO Silva, HRK Lisboa
Biosci. j.(Online), 1114-1123, 2018
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