Maria Emilia Yamamoto
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Citado por
Preferred interpersonal distances: A global comparison
A Sorokowska, P Sorokowski, P Hilpert, K Cantarero, T Frackowiak, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 48 (4), 577-592, 2017
Aspects of common marmoset basic biology and life history important for biomedical research
DH Abbott, DK Barnett, RJ Colman, ME Yamamoto, NJ Schultz-Darken
Comparative medicine 53 (4), 339-350, 2003
Reproduction in captive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
SD Tardif, DA Smucny, DH Abbott, K Mansfield, N Schultz-Darken, ...
Comparative medicine 53 (4), 364-368, 2003
Marital satisfaction, sex, age, marriage duration, religion, number of children, economic status, education, and collectivistic values: Data from 33 countries
P Sorokowski, AK Randall, A Groyecka, T Frackowiak, K Cantarero, ...
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1199, 2017
From dependence to sexual maturity: the behavioural ontogeny of Callitrichidae
ME Yamamoto
Marmosets and tamarins: Systematics, ecology and behaviour, 1993
A produção científica na psicologia: uma análise dos periódicos brasileiros no período 1990-1997
OH Yamamoto, CC Souza, ME Yamamoto
Psicologia: reflexão e crítica 12 (2), 549-565, 1999
Body weight of wild and captive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
A Araújo, MF Arruda, AI Alencar, F Albuquerque, MC Nascimento, ...
International Journal of Primatology 21 (2), 317-324, 2000
The associations of dyadic coping and relationship satisfaction vary between and within nations: A 35-nation study
P Hilpert, AK Randall, P Sorokowski, DC Atkins, A Sorokowska, K Ahmadi, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1106, 2016
Razão, emoção e ação em cena: a mente humana sob um olhar evolucionista
AD Oliva, E Otta, FL Ribeiro, VSR Bussab, FA Lopes, ME Yamamoto, ...
Psicologia: teoria e pesquisa 22, 53-61, 2006
Two breeding females within free-living groups may not always indicate polygyny: alternative subordinate female strategies in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
MF Arruda, A Araújo, MBC Sousa, FS Albuquerque, A Albuquerque, ...
Folia primatologica 76 (1), 10-20, 2005
Does group size matter? Cheating and cooperation in Brazilian school children
AI Alencar, J de Oliveira Siqueira, ME Yamamoto
Evolution and Human behavior 29 (1), 42-48, 2008
The Brazilian version of the three-factor eating questionnaire-R21: psychometric evaluation and scoring pattern
ACQ de Medeiros, ME Yamamoto, LFC Pedrosa, CS Hutz
Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 22, 169-175, 2017
Mating Systems and Female–Female Competition in the Common Marmoset, Callithrix jacchus
ME Yamamoto, MF Arruda, AI Alencar, MBC de Sousa, A Araújo
The smallest anthropoids: The marmoset/callimico radiation, 119-133, 2009
Reproduction and aging in marmosets and tamarins
SD Tardif, A Araujo, MF Arruda, JA French, MBC Sousa, ME Yamamoto
Primate reproductive aging 36, 29-48, 2008
Behavioral strategies and hormonal profiles of dominant and subordinate common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) females in wild monogamous groups
MBC Sousa, ACSR Albuquerque, FS Albuquerque, A Araujo, ...
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2005
Global perspective on marital satisfaction
M Dobrowolska, A Groyecka-Bernard, P Sorokowski, AK Randall, ...
Sustainability 12 (21), 8817, 2020
Reproductive output, maternal age, and survivorship in captive common marmoset females (Callithrix jacchus)
DA Smucny, DH Abbott, KG Mansfield, NJ Schultz‐Darken, ...
American Journal of Primatology: Official Journal of the American Society of …, 2004
The role of non‐reproductive helpers in infant care in captive Callithrix jacchus
ME Yamamoto, H O. Box
Ethology 103 (9), 760-771, 1997
Carrying behaviour in captive and wild marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): A comparison between two colonies and a field site
ME Yamamoto, HO Box, FS Albuquerque, MF Arruda
Primates 37, 297-304, 1996
Mate guarding in an Amazonian cichlid, Pterophyllum scalare
ME Yamamoto, S Chellappa, M Cacho, FA Huntingford
Journal of Fish Biology 55 (4), 888-891, 1999
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