Massao Ionashiro
Massao Ionashiro
Professor Emérito do Instituto de Química de Araraquara (IQ-UNESP-AR)
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Fundamentos da termogravimetria, análise térmica diferencial, calorimetria exploratória diferencial
M Ionashiro, I Giolito
São Paulo: Giz Editorial, 2005
Apresentação dos resultados em Análise Térmica
M Ionashiro, I Giolito, P Nomenclatura
Cerâmica, 17-24, 0
Thermal degradation of a composite solid propellant examined by DSC
JAFF Rocco, JES Lima, AG Frutuoso, K Iha, M Ionashiro, JR Matos, ...
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 75, 551-557, 2004
Thermal decomposition of the hydrated basic carbonates of lanthanides and yttrium
LM d'Assuncao, I Giolito, M Ionashiro
Thermochimica acta 137 (2), 319-330, 1989
Gravimetric determination of soil organic matter
M Miyazawa, MA Pavan, EL de Oliveira, M Ionashiro, AK Silva
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 43 (5), 475-478, 2000
Influência de fatores experimentais nos resultados de análises termogravimétricas
ETG Cavalheiro, M Ionashiro, ST Breviglieri, G Marino, GO Chierice
Química Nova 18 (3), 305-8, 1995
Thermal behavior of corn starch granules modified by acid treatment at 30 and 50 C
C Beninca, IM Demiate, LG Lacerda, MAS Carvalho Filho, M Ionashiro, ...
Eclética Química 33, 13-18, 2008
Titulação complexométrica de lantanídeos e ítrio
M Ionashiro
Eclética Química Journal 8 (1), 29-32, 1983
TG studies of a composite solid rocket propellant based on HTPB-binder
JAFF Rocco, JES Lima, AG Frutuoso, K Iha, M Ionashiro, JR Matos, ...
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 77, 803-813, 2004
Estudo da estabilidade térmica de óleos e gorduras vegetais por TG/DTG e DTA
EA FARIA, MIG Leles, M Ionashiro, TO Zuppa, NR Antoniosi Filho
Eclética Química 27, 2002
Thermal behaviour of malonic acid, sodium malonate and its compounds with some bivalent transition metal ions
FJ Caires, LS Lima, CT Carvalho, RJ Giagio, M Ionashiro
Thermochimica acta 497 (1-2), 35-40, 2010
Preparation and thermal decomposition of solid state compounds of 4-methoxybenzylidenepyruvate and trivalent lanthanides and yttrium
LCS De Oliveira, CB Melios, MS Crespi, CA Ribeiro, M Ionashiro
Thermochimica acta 219, 215-224, 1993
Thermal stability and thermal decomposition of sucralose
G Bannach, RR Almeida, L Lacerda, E Schnitzler, M Ionashiro
Eclética Química 34, 21-26, 2009
Thermal behaviour of corn starch granules under action of fungal α-amylase
LG Lacerda, MA da Silva Carvalho Filho, IM Demiate, G Bannach, ...
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 93, 445-449, 2008
The preparation and thermal decomposition of solid state compounds of 4-dimethylaminobenzylidenepyruvate and trivalent lanthanides and yttrium
MH Miyano, CB Melios, CA Ribeiro, H Redigolo, M Ionashiro
Thermochimica acta 221 (1), 53-62, 1993
Thermoanalytical study of some anti-inflammatory analgesic agents
G Bannach, R Arcaro, D Ferroni, A Siqueira, O Treu-Filho, M Ionashiro, ...
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 102 (1), 163-170, 2010
Resveratrol: A thermoanalytical study
RC da Silva, JA Teixeira, WDG Nunes, GAC Zangaro, M Pivatto, ...
Food Chemistry 237, 561-565, 2017
Equilibrium, thermoanalytical and spectroscopic studies to characterize phytic acid complexes with Mn (II) and Co (II)
LD Carli, E Schnitzler, M Ionashiro, B Szpoganicz, ND Rosso
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 20, 1515-1522, 2009
Thermal decomposition of some chemotherapic substances
FN Suely, MR Antônio, I Massao
Thermogravimetric investigations during the synthesis of silica-based MCM-41
SA Araujo, M Ionashiro, VJ Fernandes, AS Araujo
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 64, 801-805, 2001
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