Hussam Muhamedsalih
Hussam Muhamedsalih
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Fast surface measurement using wavelength scanning interferometry with compensation of environmental noise
X Jiang, K Wang, F Gao, H Muhamedsalih
Applied optics 49 (15), 2903-2909, 2010
Surface and thickness measurement of a transparent film using wavelength scanning interferometry
F Gao, H Muhamedsalih, X Jiang
Optics express 20 (19), 21450-21456, 2012
Comparison study of algorithms and accuracy in the wavelength scanning interferometry
H Muhamedsalih, F Gao, X Jiang
Applied optics 51 (36), 8854-8862, 2012
Application of clustering filter for noise and outlier suppression in optical measurement of structured surfaces
S Lou, D Tang, W Zeng, T Zhang, F Gao, H Muhamedsalih, X Jiang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (9), 6509-6517, 2020
Implementation of in process surface metrology for R2R flexible PV barrier films
M Elrawemi, L Blunt, H Muhamedsalih, F Gao, L Fleming
International Journal of Automation Technology 9 (3), 312-321, 2015
Accelerated surface measurement using wavelength scanning interferometer with compensation of environmental noise
H Muhamedsalih, X Jiang, F Gao
Procedia CIRP 10, 70-76, 2013
Fabrication and characterisation of metal-doped pectin films
I Kalathaki, K Alba, H Muhamedsalih, V Kontogiorgos
Food Hydrocolloids 92, 259-266, 2019
Investigation of wavelength scanning interferometry for embedded metrology
H Muhamedsalih
University of Huddersfield, 2013
Single-shot RGB polarising interferometer
H Muhamedsalih, S Al-Bashir, F Gao, X Jiang
Interferometry XIX 10749, 52-57, 2018
Improvement of the fringe analysis algorithm for wavelength scanning interferometry based on filter parameter optimization
T Zhang, F Gao, H Muhamedsalih, S Lou, H Martin, X Jiang
Applied optics 57 (9), 2227-2234, 2018
An integrated opto-mechanical measurement system for in-process defect measurement on a roll-to-roll process
H Muhamedsalih, L Blunt, H Martin, I Hamersma, M Elrawemi, G Feng
euspen, 2015
Comparison of fast Fourier transform and convolution in wavelength scanning interferometry
H Muhamedsalih, X Jiang, F Gao
Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VII 8082, 231-238, 2011
In-line metrology of functional surfaces with a focus on defect assessment on large area Roll to Roll substrates
L Blunt, L Fleming, M Elrawemi, D Robbins, H Muhamedsalih
euspen 1, 71-74, 2013
Vibration compensation of wavelength scanning interferometer for in-process surface inspection
H Muhamedsalih, X Jiang, F Gao
University of Huddersfield, 2010
Burg algorithm for enhancing measurement performance in wavelength scanning interferometry
R Woodcock, H Muhamedsalih, H Martin, X Jiang
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 4 (2), 024003, 2016
Vertical axis non-linearities in wavelength scanning interferometry
G Moschetti, H Muhamedsalih, D Connor, X Jiang, RK Leach
In: Laser Metrology and Machine Performance XI, LAMDAMAP 2015. Huddersfield …, 2015
In-line metrology for defect assessment on large area Roll 2 Roll substrates
L Blunt, M Elrawemi, L Fleming, D Robbins, H Muhamedsalih
Curran Associates, 2014
In-situ defect detection systems for R2R flexible PV barrier films
F Gao, H Muhamedsalih, D Tang, M Elrawemi, L Blunt, X Jiang, S Edge, ...
2015 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology …, 2015
Comparative study between online and offline defect assessment methods for roll to roll flexible PV modules
M Elrawemi, H Muhamedsalih, L Blunt, L Fleming, H Martin, X Jiang
An interferometric auto-focusing method for on-line defect assessment on a roll-to-roll process using wavelength scanning interferometry
H Muhamedsalih, L Blunt, H Martin, X Jiang, M Elrawemi
euspen, 2014
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Articles 1–20