Fabricio Gonzalez Nogueira
Fabricio Gonzalez Nogueira
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Universidade Federal do Ceará
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Edgefiresmoke: A novel lightweight cnn model for real-time video fire–smoke detection
JS Almeida, C Huang, FG Nogueira, S Bhatia, VHC de Albuquerque
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (11), 7889-7898, 2022
Interval robust controller to minimize oscillations effects caused by constant power load in a DC multi-converter buck-buck system
KEL Marcillo, DAP Guingla, W Barra, RLP De Medeiros, EM Rocha, ...
IEEE Access 7, 26324-26342, 2019
Multi-sensor edge computing architecture for identification of failures short-circuits in wind turbine generators
Y Xu, NMM Nascimento, PHF de Sousa, FG Nogueira, BC Torrico, T Han, ...
Applied Soft Computing 101, 107053, 2021
Simplified dead-time compensator for multiple delay SISO systems
BC Torrico, WB Correia, FG Nogueira
ISA transactions 60, 254-261, 2016
Tuning of a dead-time compensator focusing on industrial processes
BC Torrico, MP de Almeida Filho, TA Lima, MDN Forte, RC Sá, ...
ISA transactions 83, 189-198, 2018
Simplified filtered Smith predictor for high-order dead-time processes
BC Torrico, RDO Pereira, AKR Sombra, FG Nogueira
ISA transactions 109, 11-21, 2021
EdgeFireSmoke++: A novel lightweight algorithm for real-time forest fire detection and visualization using internet of things-human machine interface
JS Almeida, SK Jagatheesaperumal, FG Nogueira, VHC de Albuquerque
Expert Systems with Applications 221, 119747, 2023
Trajectory tracking control of a nonholonomic mobile robot with differential drive
RLS Sousa, MD do Nascimento Forte, FG Nogueira, BC Torrico
2016 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina (ARGENCON), 1-6, 2016
LPV-based power system stabilizer: Identification, control and field tests
FG Nogueira, WB Junior, CT da Costa Junior, JJ Lana
Control Engineering Practice 72, 53-67, 2018
Tuning rules for unstable dead-time processes
RCS Rodrigues, AKR Sombra, BC Torrico, RDO Pereira, MDN Forte, ...
European Journal of Control 59, 250-263, 2021
Robust linear parameter varying scalar control applied in high performance induction motor drives
CA Costa, A Nied, FG Nogueira, M de Azambuja Turqueti, AJ Rossa, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (11), 10558-10568, 2020
New simple approach for enhanced rejection of unknown disturbances in LTI systems with input delay
BC Torrico, MP de Almeida Filho, TA Lima, TLM Santos, FG Nogueira
ISA transactions 94, 316-325, 2019
Reference tracking of a nonholonomic mobile robot using sensor fusion techniques and linear control
MDN Forte, WB Correia, FG Nogueira, BC Torrico
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (4), 364-369, 2018
Trajectory tracking control of a mobile robot using lidar sensor for position and orientation estimation
TA Lima, MD do Nascimento Forte, FG Nogueira, BC Torrico, ...
2016 12th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), 1-6, 2016
A fuzzy type-2 fault detection methodology to minimize false alarm rate in induction motor monitoring applications
EM Rocha, WB Junior, KE Lucas, CT da Costa Júnior, ...
Applied Soft Computing 93, 106373, 2020
A practical solution for the control of time-delayed and delay-free systems with saturating actuators
TA Lima, MP de Almeida Filho, BC Torrico, FG Nogueira, WB Correia
European Journal of Control 51, 53-64, 2020
Development and field tests of a damping controller to mitigate electromechanical oscillations on large diesel generating units
FG Nogueira, JAL Barreiros, W Barra Jr, CT Costa Jr, AMD Ferreira
Electric power systems research 81 (2), 725-732, 2011
Enhanced braking control for the induction machine using scalar control
CA Costa, MAA Costa, M de Azambuja Turqueti, AJ Rossa, A Nied, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (11), 9133-9142, 2019
An object-oriented framework applied to the study of electromechanical oscillations at Tucuruí hydroelectric power plant
JAS Sena, MCP Fonseca, IF Di Paolo, W Barra Jr, JAL Barreiros, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 81 (12), 2081-2087, 2011
Design and experimental evaluation tests of a Takagi–Sugeno power system stabiliser
FG Nogueira, B Walter Jr, CT da Costa Jr, ARB de Moraes, MCM Gomes, ...
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 8 (3), 451-462, 2014
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Artigos 1–20