Helder HUGO
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Citado por
Non-crop plant communities conserve spider populations in chili pepper agroecosystems
DSSL Amaral, M Venzon, HH dos Santos, ER Sujii, JM Schmidt, ...
Biological Control 103, 69-77, 2016
Nonaggressive behavior: a strategy employed by an obligate nest invader to avoid conflict with its host species
H Hugo, PF Cristaldo, O DeSouza
Ecology & Evolution, 8741–8754, 2020
First evidence of wasp brood development inside active nests of a termite with the description of a previously unknown potter wasp species
H Hugo, MG Hermes, BR Garcette-Barrett, ID Couzin
Ecology and Evolution, 2020
Peaceful behaviour: a strategy employed by an obligate nest invader to avoid conflict with its host species
H Hugo, PF Cristaldo, O DeSouza
bioRxiv, 587592, 2019
O sistema não pode executar a operação agora. Tente novamente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–4