Aleksandr Ometov
Aleksandr Ometov
Tampere University, Senior Research Fellow
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Cited by
Multi-Factor Authentication: A Survey
A Ometov, S Bezzateev, N Mäkitalo, S Andreev, T Mikkonen, ...
Cryptography 2 (1), 1-31, 2018
A Survey on Wearable Technology: History, State-of-the-Art and Current Challenges
A Ometov, V Shubina, L Klus, J Skibińska, S Saafi, P Pascacio, ...
Computer Networks, 108074, 2021
Visualizing Big Data with Augmented and Virtual Reality: Challenges and Research Agenda
E Olshannikova, A Ometov, Y Koucheryavy, T Olsson
Journal of Big Data 2 (1), 22, 2015
Effects of Heterogeneous Mobility on D2D-and Drone-Assisted Mission-Critical MTC in 5G
A Orsino, A Ometov, G Fodor, D Moltchanov, L Militano, S Andreev, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (2), 79-87, 2017
A survey of security in cloud, edge, and fog computing
A Ometov, OL Molua, M Komarov, J Nurmi
Sensors 22 (3), 927, 2022
Challenges of Multi-Factor Authentication for Securing Advanced IoT Applications
A Ometov, V Petrov, S Bezzateev, S Andreev, Y Koucheryavy, M Gerla
IEEE Network 33 (2), 82-88, 2019
Blockchain evaluation approaches: State-of-the-art and future perspective
S Smetanin, A Ometov, M Komarov, P Masek, Y Koucheryavy
Sensors 20 (12), 3358, 2020
A Harmonized Perspective on Transportation Management in Smart Cities: The Novel IoT-driven Environment for Road Traffic Modeling
P Masek, J Masek, P Frantik, R Fujdiak, A Ometov, J Hosek, S Andreev, ...
Sensors 16 (11), 1872, 2016
Wearables for industrial work safety: A survey
E Svertoka, S Saafi, A Rusu-Casandra, R Burget, I Marghescu, J Hosek, ...
Sensors 21 (11), 3844, 2021
Big Data Technologies and Applications
B Furht, F Villanustre
Springer, 2016
Towards energy efficiency in the internet of wearable things: A systematic review
WB Qaim, A Ometov, A Molinaro, I Lener, C Campolo, ES Lohan, J Nurmi
IEEE Access 8, 175412-175435, 2020
Safe, Secure Executions at the Network Edge: Coordinating Cloud, Edge, and Fog Computing
N Mäkitalo, A Ometov, J Kannisto, S Andreev, Y Koucheryavy, T Mikkonen
IEEE Software 35 (1), 30-37, 2017
Facilitating the Delegation of Use for Private Devices in the Era of the Internet of Wearable Things
A Ometov, S Bezzateev, J Kannisto, J Harju, S Andreev, Y Koucheryavy
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2016
Toward Trusted, Social-Aware D2D Connectivity: Bridging Across Technology and Sociality Realms
A Ometov, A Orsino, L Militano, D Moltchanov, G Araniti, E Olshannikova, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 23 (4), 103 - 111, 2016
Analyzing Effects of Directionality and Random Heights in Drone-based mmWave Communication
R Kovalchukov, D Moltchanov, A Samuylov, A Ometov, S Andreev, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (10), 10064-10069, 2018
Feasibility Characterization of Cryptographic Primitives for Constrained (Wearable) IoT Devices
A Ometov, P Masek, L Malina, R Florea, J Hosek, S Andreev, J Hajny, ...
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication …, 2016
An Overview on Blockchain for Smartphones: State-of-the-Art, Consensus, Implementation, Challenges and Future Trends
A Ometov, Y Bardinova, A Afanasyeva, P Masek, K Zhidanov, S Vanurin, ...
IEEE Access 8, 103994-104015, 2020
Implementing a broadcast storm attack on a mission-critical wireless sensor network
I Krivtsova, I Lebedev, M Sukhoparov, N Bazhayev, I Zikratov, A Ometov, ...
Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 14th IFIP WG 6.2 International …, 2016
3GPP lTE-assisted Wi-Fi-direct: Trial Implementation of Live D2D Technology
A Pyattaev, J Hosek, K Johnsson, R Krkos, M Gerasimenko, P Masek, ...
ETRI Journal 37 (5), 877-887, 2015
Evaluating SIR in 3D millimeter-wave deployments: Direct modeling and feasible approximations
R Kovalchukov, D Moltchanov, A Samuylov, A Ometov, S Andreev, ...
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (2), 879-896, 2018
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Articles 1–20