Renato Naville Watanabe
Renato Naville Watanabe
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Spinal mechanisms may provide a combination of intermittent and continuous control of human posture: predictions from a biologically based neuromusculoskeletal model
LA Elias, RN Watanabe, AF Kohn
PLoS computational biology 10 (11), e1003944, 2014
Fast oscillatory commands from the motor cortex can be decoded by the spinal cord for force control
RN Watanabe, AF Kohn
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (40), 13687-13697, 2015
Influences of premotoneuronal command statistics on the scaling of motor output variability during isometric plantar flexion
RN Watanabe, FH Magalhães, LA Elias, VM Chaud, EM Mello, AF Kohn
Journal of neurophysiology 110 (11), 2592-2606, 2013
Notes on scientific computing for biomechanics and motor control
M Duarte, RN Watanabe
GitHub repository, 2015
Effects of age and speed on the ankle–foot system’s power during walking
LS da Silva, RK Fukuchi, RN Watanabe, CA Fukuchi, M Duarte
Scientific reports 10 (1), 14903, 2020
A simulation study of the effects of activation-dependent muscle stiffness on proprioceptive feedback and short-latency reflex
VM Chaud, LA Elias, RN Watanabe, AF Kohn
2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2012
Notes on scientific computing for biomechanics and motor control. GitHub repository
M Duarte, RN Watanabe
BMC lab, 2018
Notes on scientific computing for biomechanics and motor control (version V0. 0.2). Zenodo
M Duarte, RN Watanabe
An open data set of inertial, magnetic, foot–ground contact, and electromyographic signals from wearable sensors during walking
DC Miraldo, RN Watanabe, M Duarte
Motor control 24 (4), 558-570, 2020
System identification of a motor unit pool using a realistic neuromusculoskeletal model
RN Watanabe, AF Kohn
5th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2014
Nonlinear frequency-domain analysis of the transformation of cortical inputs by a motoneuron pool-muscle complex
RN Watanabe, AF Kohn
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25 (11 …, 2017
Notes on Scientific Computing for Biomechanics and Motor Control; 2015
M Duarte, RN Watanabe
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Perspectives on the modeling of the neuromusculoskeletal system to investigate the influence of neurodegenerative diseases on sensorimotor control
LA Elias, DEC Matoso, RN Watanabe, AF Kohn
Research on Biomedical Engineering 34 (02), 176-186, 2018
Low-frequency fluctuations of plantar flexion torque in force and position control tasks studied experimentally and by a neuromusculoskeletal model
RN Watanabe, LA Elias, AF Kohn
2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 794-797, 2013
Notes on scientific computing for biomechanics and motor control. GitHub
M Duarte, RN Watanabe
A worldwide comparison of long-distance running training in 2019 and 2020: associated effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
LA Afonseca, RN Watanabe, M Duarte
PeerJ 10, e13192, 2022
Application of a web-based simulator to a study of neuromuscular training in humans
LA Elias, VM Chaud, RN Watanabe, AF Kohn
BMES 2011, 2011
The role of reciprocal inhibition on human postural control
LA Elias, RN Watanabe, AF Kohn
Proceedings of the Bernstein Conference, 185-186, 2014
Simulação computacional do sistema neuromuscular para o estudo da variabilidade do torque exercido durante uma flexão plantar.
RN Watanabe
Universidade de São Paulo, 2012
Electrophysiological and functional signs of Guillain–Barré syndrome predicted by a multiscale neuromuscular computational model
MC de Oliveira, RN Watanabe, AF Kohn
Journal of Neural Engineering 19 (5), 056022, 2022
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Articles 1–20