A new family of linear maximum rank distance codes J Sheekey
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.01581, 2015
245 2015 MRD codes: constructions and connections J Sheekey
Combinatorics and Finite Fields: Difference Sets, Polynomials …, 2019
94 * 2019 Rank-metric codes, linear sets, and their duality J Sheekey, G Van de Voorde
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 88 (4), 655-675, 2020
57 2020 New semifields and new MRD codes from skew polynomial rings J Sheekey
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2019
47 2019 A characterization of the number of roots of linearized and projective polynomials in the field of coefficients G McGuire, J Sheekey
Finite Fields and Their Applications 57, 68-91, 2019
42 2019 Semifields from skew polynomial rings M Lavrauw, J Sheekey
Advances in Geometry 13 (4), 583-604, 2013
30 2013 Further generalisations of twisted Gabidulin codes S Puchinger, J Sheekey
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.08093, 2017
28 2017 On the maximal cross-correlation of algebraically constructed Costas arrays K Drakakis, R Gow, S Rickard, J Sheekey, K Taylor
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (7), 4612-4621, 2011
25 2011 Subspaces of matrices with special rank properties JG Dumas, R Gow, G McGuire, J Sheekey
Linear algebra and its applications 433 (1), 191-202, 2010
25 2010 Tensor representation of rank-metric codes E Byrne, A Neri, A Ravagnani, J Sheekey
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 3 (4), 614-643, 2019
22 2019 On embeddings of minimum dimension of M Lavrauw, J Sheekey, C Zanella
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 74, 427-440, 2015
22 2015 Canonical forms of 2× 3× 3 tensors over the real field, algebraically closed fields, and finite fields M Lavrauw, J Sheekey
Linear Algebra and its Applications 476, 133-147, 2015
18 2015 Constant rank-distance sets of Hermitian matrices and partial spreads in Hermitian polar spaces R Gow, M Lavrauw, J Sheekey, F Vanhove
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.1903, 2012
17 2012 On primitive elements in finite semifields R Gow, J Sheekey
Finite Fields and Their Applications 17 (2), 194-204, 2011
17 2011 Divisible linear rank metric codes O Polverino, P Santonastaso, J Sheekey, F Zullo
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 69 (7), 4528-4536, 2023
16 2023 Orbits of the stabiliser group of the Segre variety product of three projective lines M Lavrauw, J Sheekey
Finite Fields and Their Applications 26, 1-6, 2014
14 2014 Rank properties of subspaces of symmetric and hermitian matrices over finite fields JG Dumas, R Gow, J Sheekey
Finite Fields and Their Applications 17 (6), 504-520, 2011
14 2011 Rank metric codes and zeta functions I Blanco-Chacón, E Byrne, I Duursma, J Sheekey
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86, 1767-1792, 2018
13 2018 Nets of conics of rank one in , q odd M Lavrauw, T Popiel, J Sheekey
Journal of Geometry 111 (3), 36, 2020
11 2020 linear sets are to rank-metric codes as arcs are to Hamming-metric codes J Sheekey
Oberwolfach Report, 2019, 2019
11 2019