Dr Joyce Gikandi
Dr Joyce Gikandi
Senior Lecturer, Mount Kenya University
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Online formative assessment in higher education: A review of the literature
JW Gikandi, D Morrow, NE Davis
Computers & education 57 (4), 2333-2351, 2011
Adoption and effectiveness of electronic banking in Kenya
JW Gikandi, C Bloor
Electronic commerce research and applications 9 (4), 277-282, 2010
Designing and implementing peer formative feedback within online learning environments
JW Gikandi, D Morrow
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 25 (2), 153-170, 2016
How can open online reflective journals enhance learning in teacher education?
J Gikandi
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 21 (1), 5-26, 2013
Enhancing E-learning through integration of online formative assessment and teaching presence
JW Gikandi
International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD) 11 (2 …, 2021
Promoting competence-based learning and assessment through innovative use of electronic portfolios
JW Gikandi
Handbook of research on promoting higher-order skills and global …, 2019
Achieving meaningful online learning through effective formative assessment
J Gikandi
Changing demands, changing directions: Proceedings of ascilite Hobart, 452-454, 2011
Towards a theory of formative assessment in online higher education
JW Gikandi
Learning and performance assessment: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …, 2020
Effects of interest rate on credit access of small and medium enterprises in Garissa County
AM Maalim, J Gikandi
International Journal of Finance and Accounting 1 (1), 1-14, 2016
Synergy between Authentic Assessment Activities and Learner Autonomy: How Does this Stimulate Shared Authenticity in Online Higher Education?
J Gikandi
International Journal on E-Learning 12 (4), 353-381, 2013
Effect of training and leadership skills on employee performance in devolved governments in Kenya: A case of Wajir County
FA Jehow, J Gikandi, P Mwencha
European Journal of Business and Strategic Management 3 (4), 87-104, 2018
BYOD concept and issues relating to adoption in learning institutions
PM Ndunge, JW Kamau, J Gikandi
International Journal of Education Management and Administration (IJEMA) 1 …, 2017
Analysis of Technological Factors Influencing Adoption of ICT in public Secondary Schools in Kenya
GB Gakenga, JW Gikandi, JW Kamau
International Journal of Emerging Trends and Technology in Computer Science …, 2015
Meeting higher education expectations in the digital age and reliability of assessment in e-learning settings
JW Gikandi
Handbook of research on cross-cultural online learning in higher education …, 2019
ICT Infrastructural Factors That Influence the Adoption of E-Learning in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
MF Wanyaga, JW Kamau, J Gikandi
International Journal of Science and Research 4 (6), 1061-1067, 2015
Enhancing digital capability through self-directed learning for initial teacher education and beyond
J Mackey, N Davis, M Donna, J Gikandi, N Dabner
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2012
Online Formative Assessment in Higher Education: Enhancing Continuing Teacher Education in E-Learning
JW Gikandi
University of Canterbury. School of Literacies and Arts in Education, 2012
Social media as a battleground for electoral violence among netizens in Africa: the case of Kenyan youth
CW Njuguna, J Gikandi, L Kathuri-Ogola, J Kabaria-Muriithi
East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 2 (1), 104-115, 2020
Computer-supported collaborative learning and assessment: A strategy for developing online learning communities in continuing education
JW Gikandi
Handbook of Research on Learner-Centered Pedagogy in Teacher Education and …, 2017
Sentence Level Analysis Model for Phishing Detection Using KNN
L Sawe, J Gikandi, J Kamau, D Njuguna
Journal of Cybersecurity (2579-0072) 6, 2024
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