Christian BREL
Cited by
Cited by
OntoCompo: a tool to enhance application composition
C Brel, AM Dery-Pinna, P Renevier-Gonin, M Riveill
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011, 588-591, 2011
Application composition driven by UI composition
C Brel, P Renevier-Gonin, A Occello, AM Déry-Pinna, C Faron-Zucker, ...
Human-Centred Software Engineering, 198-205, 2010
Application and UI composition using a Component-Based Description and Annotations
C Brel, P Renevier-Gonin, AM Pinna-Déry, M Riveill
Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2012 38th EUROMICRO …, 2012
Composing applications with OntoCompo
C Brel, P Renevier-Gonin
23rd French Speaking Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 24, 2011
Expérience de transfert de savoirs et de technologies issus de la recherche et de l'industrie aux étudiants d'une formation en IHM
AM Pinna-Déry, A Giboin, P Renevier-Gonin, C Brel, M Da Costa
23rd French Speaking Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 13, 2011
Annotated Component-Based Description for Application Composition
C Brel, P Renevier, AM Pinna-Dery, M Riveill
ICSEA 2012, The Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2012
Vers une approche flot de données pour supporter la composition d'interfaces homme-machine
C Brel, S Mosser
UI Modeling as Ontology for Composition
C Brel, P Renevier-Gonin, AM Pinna-Déry, M Riveill
Une approche de description d’Interfaces Homme–Machine multi-niveaux
C Brel
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Articles 1–9