Carmen Josefina Contreras-Castillo
Carmen Josefina Contreras-Castillo
Professora de Ciência e Tecnologia de Carnes, Universidade de São Paulo
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Cited by
Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of BNT162b2 booster in ChAdOx1-S-primed participants (CombiVacS): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial
AM Borobia, AJ Carcas, M Pérez-Olmeda, L Castaño, MJ Bertran, ...
The Lancet 398 (10295), 121-130, 2021
Effects of pineapple byproduct and canola oil as fat replacers on physicochemical and sensory qualities of low-fat beef burger
MM Selani, GAN Shirado, GB Margiotta, E Saldaña, FP Spada, ...
Meat science 112, 69-76, 2016
Microencapsulation of propolis extract by complex coacervation
MP Nori, CS Favaro-Trindade, SM de Alencar, M Thomazini, ...
LWT-Food Science and Technology 44 (2), 429-435, 2011
Wine industry residues extracts as natural antioxidants in raw and cooked chicken meat during frozen storage
MM Selani, CJ Contreras-Castillo, LD Shirahigue, CR Gallo, ...
Meat science 88 (3), 397-403, 2011
Application of high pressure technology in the fruit juice processing: benefits perceived by consumers
R Deliza, A Rosenthal, FBD Abadio, CHO Silva, C Castillo
Journal of Food Engineering 67 (1-2), 241-246, 2005
Comentarios Precedentes Vinculantes en materia penal de la Corte Suprema. 1ra
J Castillo
Edición. Lima. Editorial GRIJLEY 155, 1985
Mutation rates at Y chromosome specific microsatellites
L Gusmão, P Sánchez‐Diz, F Calafell, P Martín, CA Alonso, ...
Human mutation 26 (6), 520-528, 2005
A new operational definition of frailty: the Frailty Trait Scale
FJ García-García, L Carcaillon, J Fernandez-Tresguerres, A Alfaro, ...
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 15 (5), 371. e7-371. e13, 2014
Advantages of binaural hearing provided through bimodal stimulation via a cochlear implant and a conventional hearing aid: A 6-month comparative study
C Morera, M Manrique, A Ramos, L Garcia-Ibanez, L Cavalle, A Huarte, ...
Acta Oto-Laryngologica 125 (6), 596-606, 2005
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and gallbladder cancer: a case–control study and meta‐analysis
J Koshiol, A Wozniak, P Cook, C Adaniel, J Acevedo, L Azócar, AW Hsing, ...
Cancer Medicine 5 (11), 3310-3235, 2016
Chitosan active films containing agro-industrial residue extracts for shelf life extension of chicken restructured product
JS Serrano-León, KB Bergamaschi, CMP Yoshida, E Saldaña, MM Selani, ...
Food Research International 108, 93-100, 2018
Mechanically separated meat of broiler breeder and white layer spent hens
MA Trindade, PE Felício, CJC Castillo
Scientia Agricola 61, 234-239, 2004
Pineapple by-product and canola oil as partial fat replacers in low-fat beef burger: Effects on oxidative stability, cholesterol content and fatty acid profile
MM Selani, GAN Shirado, GB Margiotta, ML Rasera, AC Marabesi, ...
Meat science 115, 9-15, 2016
La prueba en el delito de violencia contra la mujer y el grupo familiar
J Castillo
Criterios de valoración en casos de violencia de género y familiar, 2019
Incorporation of pink pepper residue extract into chitosan film combined with a modified atmosphere packaging: Effects on the shelf life of salmon fillets
TC Merlo, CJ Contreras-Castillo, E Saldana, GV Barancelli, MDB Dargelio, ...
Food research international 125, 108633, 2019
Reingeniería y gestión municipal
J Castillo
Perú. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2004
Microbial deterioration of vacuum-packaged chilled beef cuts and techniques for microbiota detection and characterization: a review
ML Hernández-Macedo, GV Barancelli, CJ Contreras-Castillo
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 42, 1-11, 2011
Heat stress during the pre-slaughter on broiler chicken/Estresse termico durante o pre-abate em frangos de corte.
C Brossi, CJ Contreras-Castillo, E de Almeida Amazonas, JFM Menten
Ciência Rural 39 (4), 1296-1306, 2009
Unraveling the selective antibacterial activity and chemical composition of citrus essential oils
CMS Ambrosio, NY Ikeda, AC Miano, E Saldaña, AM Moreno, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 17719, 2019
Reducing the sodium content without modifying the quality of beef burgers by adding micronized salt
JD Rios-Mera, E Saldaña, MLM Cruzado-Bravo, I Patinho, MM Selani, ...
Food Research International 121, 288-295, 2019
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Articles 1–20