Towards a Unifying Visualisation Ontology M Voigt, J Polowinski | 32 | 2011 |
VISO: A shared, formal knowledge base as a foundation for semi-automatic infovis systems J Polowinski, M Voigt CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1791-1796, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Widgets for faceted browsing J Polowinski Human Interface and the Management of Information. Designing Information …, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |
DropsBox: the Dresden Open Software Toolbox U Aßmann, A Bartho, C Bürger, S Cech, B Demuth, F Heidenreich, ... Software and Systems Modeling, 1-37, 2012 | 22* | 2012 |
Weighted faceted browsing for characteristics-based visualization selection through end users M Voigt, A Werstler, J Polowinski, K Meißner Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive …, 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
An integrated facet-based library for arbitrary software components M Schmidt, J Polowinski, J Johannes, MA Fernández European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, 261-276, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Towards RVL: a declarative language for visualizing RDFS/OWL data J Polowinski Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Facettice: Integrating faceted navigation and concept lattices for visual data exploration B Bach, D Kammer, J Polowinski Institute of Software, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Visualisierung großer Datenmengen im Raum DMJ Polowinski | 2 | 2006 |
Ontology-Driven, Guided Visualisation Supporting Explicit and Composable Mappings J Polowinski | | 2016 |
Auswertung einer Umfrage zur wissenschaftlichen Recherche an der TU Dresden C Schönbach | | 2014 |
Wissensmodelle als Basis für intelligente Visualisierungssysteme M Voigt, J Polowinski, K Meißner Informationssysteme im Bauwesen 1: Modelle, Methoden und Prozesse, 455-482, 2014 | | 2014 |
Visualisierung großer Datenmengen im Raum: Großer Beleg J Polowinski Saechsische Landesbibliothek-Staats-und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2013 | | 2013 |
Semi-Automatic Mapping of Structured Data to Visual Variables DMJ Polowinski | | 2007 |