Claudio Birolini
Claudio Birolini
Grupo de Parede Abdominal - Disciplina de Cirurgia Geral do Departamento de Cirurgia da FMUSP
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Elective colonic operation and prosthetic repair of incisional hernia: does contamination contraindicate abdominal wall prosthesis use?
C Birolini, EM Utiyama, AJ Rodrigues Jr, D Birolini
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 191 (4), 366-372, 2000
Is polypropylene mesh safe and effective for repairing infected incisional hernia in renal transplant recipients?
IM Antonopoulos, WC Nahas, E Mazzucchi, AC Piovesan, C Birolini, ...
Urology 66 (4), 874-877, 2005
A retrospective review and observations over a 16-year clinical experience on the surgical treatment of chronic mesh infection. What about replacing a synthetic mesh on the …
C Birolini, JS De Miranda, EM Utiyama, S Rasslan
Hernia 19, 239-246, 2015
Mesh cancer: long-term mesh infection leading to squamous-cell carcinoma of the abdominal wall
C Birolini, JG Minossi, CF Lima, EM Utiyama, S Rasslan
Hernia 18, 897-901, 2014
The use of synthetic mesh in contaminated and infected abdominal wall repairs: challenging the dogma—a long-term prospective clinical trial
C Birolini, JS de Miranda, EY Tanaka, EM Utiyama, S Rasslan, D Birolini
Hernia 24, 307-323, 2020
Prosthetic repair of incisional hernia in kidney transplant patients. A technique with onlay polypropylene mesh
C Birolini, E Mazzucchi, EM Utiyama, W Nahas, AJ Rodrigues, S Arap, ...
Hernia 5, 31-35, 2001
Active Staphylococcus aureus infection: Is it a contra-indication to the repair of complex hernias with synthetic mesh? A prospective observational study on the outcomes of …
C Birolini, JS de Miranda, EM Utiyama, S Rasslan, D Birolini
International Journal of Surgery 28, 56-62, 2016
Polypropylene and polypropylene/polyglecaprone (Ultrapro (r)) meshes in the repair of incisional hernia in rats
EM Utiyama, MBSF Rosa, MP Andres, JS Miranda, SHB Damous, ...
Acta cirurgica brasileira 30, 376-381, 2015
Early assessment of bilateral inguinal hernia repair: A comparison between the laparoscopic total extraperitoneal and Stoppa approaches
EM Utiyama, SHB Damous, EY Tanaka, JH Yoo, JS de Miranda, ...
Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 12 (3), 271-277, 2016
Great saphenous vein aneurysm: A differential diagnosis of femoral hernia and review
JS de Miranda, SHB Damous, MPF Júnior, JH Yoo, ET Yassushi, A Zuardi, ...
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 8, 154-157, 2015
Temporary abdominal closure with zipper-mesh device for management of intra-abdominal sepsis
EM Utiyama, ARM Pflug, SHB Damous, AC Rodrigues-Jr, EFS Montero, ...
Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões 42, 18-24, 2015
Topic: Incisional Hernia—“Difficult case” as specialistic case: real loss of substance, multi recurrences, infections, fistulas, lombocel, burst abdomen, reconstruction of the …
M Tuveri, A Tuveri, E Nicolo, T Tsuruma, M Nagayama, S Nakano, ...
Hernia 19, S225-S236, 2015
Uterine cancer presenting as obstructive jaundice
V Manuel, E Rocha, G Fortini, Z Pascoal, R Netto, L Rengel, C Birolini, ...
International Journal of Women's Health, 261-263, 2016
Does a bilateral polypropylene mesh alter the duct deferens morphology, testicular size and testosterone levels? Experimental study in rats
SHB Damous, LL Damous, JS Miranda, EFS Montero, C Birolini, ...
Acta cirurgica brasileira 35 (2), e202000201, 2020
Incisional hernia: complications & quality of life
S Nobaek, P Rogmark, U Petersson, SB Hu, P Sun, ZF Song, M Li, ...
hernia 19, S51-S56, 2015
The early outcomes of complex abdominal wall reconstruction with polyvinylidene (PVDF) mesh in the setting of active infection: a prospective series
C Birolini, EY Tanaka, JS de Miranda, AH Murakami, SHB Damous, ...
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 407 (7), 3089-3099, 2022
Analysis of duct deferens and testis of rats submitted to bilateral inguinal hernioplasty
SH Damous, CAV Birolini, JS Miranda, EFS Montero, LL Damous, ...
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 225 (4), e81, 2017
The association of inguinal hernias and colon cancer. A technical strategy based upon three patients
C Birolini, EM Utiyama, AJ Rodrigues, D Birolini
Hernia 2, 139-143, 1998
Bilateral inguinal hernia repair and male fertility: a randomized clinical trial comparing Lichtenstein versus laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) technique
SHB Damous, LL Damous, VA Borges, AK Fontella, JS Miranda, ...
Surgical Endoscopy 37 (12), 9263-9274, 2023
Hérnia incisional: Novas opções para velhos problemas. Abordagens abertas: Onlay, inlay, sublay e retromuscular
JS Miranda, CAV Birolini, EM Utiyama
Atualidades em clínica cirúrgica intergastro e trauma 4, 2013
O sistema não pode executar a operação agora. Tente novamente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–20